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Oh dang Tom got hit by a red car lol, The music was pretty jamming in this one and its a classic frogger game and some fun elements here very nice game


Its like a sprite attack of sorts and such this one does need some backrounds on this one, and much more interactivity, But anyways a fun one and silly


Well there was not much to do for interactivity but the music was really nice and it was a pleasent mood and I learned you like sprite lol


The game looks promising but have to say that the waiting for a player does tend to hold up the game, but visuals look ok anyways nice job on this one


Oh dang you made a whats the point 3 lol well again fun and entertaining but for sure needs some interactivity on these games you have some nice visuals though


Another fun and nifty game you have created here I love the waves on this and how they get harder really hard at times so thank you for keeping the style and Theme going strong and those are just some of the things i have enjoyed here on this one its those small yet fine details that caught my eye and you have graced us all with a fun game and even entertaining and that's the point I had a blast reviewing this particular game, ad more options more features


Another fun strategy game here this was once again another fun strategic game you really have a nact for these types of games, love the music in this too, Its games like this that i have come to really enjoy because it brings on a nice creative side and you really know how to make a good game, Connecting the keys is fun and it really gets you thinking on your toes on the strategic element


Math Time Well have to say it was interesting and at the same time it is teaching you with basic math but its such a great idea and concept, the graphics are simple yet nice, the controls with the arrows are smooth and nice, A fun skill and math game here Glad I had the chance to feast my eyes on this game because you have done a few things that I have not seen before and its always nice to see some different aspects and such, keep that style up I look forward to more from you this was great and ultimately I had a fun experience with this entry today, A fun skill and math game here


An interesting game here The game is challenging and can get difficult over progress of the game and that gave it, Its challenge, You really bring some nice strategy and skill on this one You really have to be sharp for this one and that's why I have enjoyed it so much, Anyways great stuff here


I like the falling strategy style, It's got a nice design and is unique kind of game some good skill and strategy is needed somewhat, Nicely designed and another fun game here and I for one have had some fun here with this one, So nice game submission here


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