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Great way of doing it

Hey im not a skate fan but this had a twist, it had some decent interactivity, even though just one level it was so original, hope to see more levels soon, great work. on this game and had a blast with this one.



Some small improvments with the button are needed make a square around the text and create the butten so its better to click It just makes it more easy, nice game though, and maybe add some color into the backrounds, it was decent works...


Very nice

40 weapons wow, now thats detail, it would have been great if the sticks did attack, heheh very great detailed work with all the weapons, maybe have the sticks scream somthing funny on death, and i noticed that the bow would kill even sticks that were not targeted, anyways great work of detail, keep it up


WolfySnackrib responds:

Thanks for checking it out! Yeah, I was never a very good programmer, least of all while making these flash games. At least I'm glad you were able to have a bit of fun with it.


Well it was interesting havnt see one of thease in awhile, and you say you are not making fun of windows in anyway, but you see this whole game points out all the wrong things about windows and that is making fun of windows, but anyways it was interesting and interactice, it was ok...



Hey it wasnt bad work, maybe add some color, and when you shoot people it only shoots at one point, make it so that you can shoot at different points on the person, nice game though, also a good thing would be to have some music, notbad work though


Cool demo

Heehhe this was cool even if i do think demos are tacky, great game play, maybe a scrolling effect might be better instead of just switching to a new scene, it was good, that toast aaarrrrhhhhh the toast, heheh anyways it was decent demo


simple yet fun pac-man

A different kind of pac-man love the stylish element to this and you cant go wrong with a game like this these pacman elements and visual and entertainment of it all makes it all worth it, So here was a fun pac-man version, simple yet fun pac-man this particular version of the game is pretty awsome you even added your own twist on things and really made it fun, wish people still made these classic arcade games onto the portal here, and really hope you make even more games like this even if its a fun pacman type like this one.



Cool very interactive, the guy did seem abit flat when doing the moves, maybe some way to make him 3dish, nice game though, and who was that girl all was coming to the guy, anyways great work



Ok well notbad, it was cool, i think i just saw the other one, some extras but still needs more and it seemed to gliched abit on me, add music, and more backrounds aswell as any more unique items that could be thaught up


Awsome game

That was very interactive, with great artwork aswell as great animation on death, 5 buttions well not a bad amount could use a few more, maybe some scene selections could also be in place great work though


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