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strange one

so this was a strange little game you have here but I did find it amusing the art could be better more shading and more detail overall and for the game mechanics more focus and instructions on what to do so really nice game here I liked it, it was a fun game.

A few things suggested above.


Well that was cute

So this was a cute game here I didnt get to hit much on this one, but it was a fun game I think a few things could be added to this to make it better, like some improved graphics like the backround and some added flashy effects when you do get one of the critters, anyways nice game.

some improved graphics like the backround and some added flashy effects when you do get one of the critters


Very nice

So this was actually a fun game here I like the interactivity here and while it was fun maybe some added bloodshed on this like blood splatter it was a good time waster type of game though anyways fun game here very entertaining and I had fun with it so nice job here.

while it was fun maybe some added bloodshed on this like blood splatter


Cool dress-up

Great music on this maybe make the view screen larger that way you could really show off more detailed parts of the game and do more ofcourse, And here was a cool dress up you have, I really have come to enjoy these "DRESS-UP" types they not only bring creativity but a sense of style and unque kind of game and thats what I took away from this, the little details is what makes these games work so well, so nice job there.

maybe make the view screen larger that way you could really show off more detailed parts of the game and do more ofcourse


Nice game

Well this was a nice game the refreshing music is pretty nice, seems like more props could be added even some animated style props, Here was a nifty game you have here, I like the idea of this game, the creative ideas flow with this one, and allows for the user to really be creative now ofcourse you need the props for it but regardless you have a nice "IDEA" with this game its interesting wish people made more of these.

seems like more props could be added even some animated style props


A nice pac-man

Haha very nice game here I love the music and the small pac man style, some more added color would be really nice, Well this was nice to see "AN-OLD-CLASSIC" like this make its way onto the portal allthough some of the older days these were always around but as for this one this was "A-NICE-FIND" and pac man is always kind of fun here, lots of clones too but still the basics of pac-man are fun.

some more added color would be really nice


Pac-Man Classic

Well the sprite was not perfect but the game was fun Well a nice pac-man style game here pac-man is always a classic idea of a game and I like what you have done here with this one some nice detail here, nice effects and overall a fun classic game with a twist, so make more of these games because they are fun and entertaining.

some improved designs and smoother graphics



so this was a fun game here you have a good game idea with this one the controls are a liitle clocky but this was still pretty funny and entertaining so my advice here is a larger view screen and some smoother controls, anyways nice work here on this fun game here

so my advice here is a larger view screen and some smoother controls


Fun game

So this was a fun game here the view screen was a tad small so maybe it could be larger, but overall this was a fun time waster game some good options on this one and I had fun with it some nice job indeed, hope you had fun making it just as much as I have had playing it

Screen could be bigger



this was a fairly good submission it has some fun interactivity and putting bush on it was nice maybe you should make one of these types for other presidents lol, but anyways nice work indeed, the graphics are decent and the animations are nice so nice job indeed.

The interactivity is nice maybe some added flashy effects


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