
11,872 Game Reviews

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Its alright

The game is alright and plays ok, not too glichi for the amount of stuff is in there and i like this style gives it abit something else, some other versions would be nice to have in there.

Add some other versions in there so that its not just the one or whatnot but it gives more variaty to the user playing the game

A fun classic game with a new twist


TechVision responds:

Thank you XwaynecoltX. Maybe in an updated version more modes will made.

Fantastic game

A fantastic game you have here, first off i love the top over view shot, and the "CONTROLLS" were very easy to learn and control, the game play was fun and addictive with some super graphics you made this into a fan fave and fantastic game

I wouldnt mind seeing more stuff that stop the main guy, like falling rocks of some sort.

A fun train game watchout for the road block


Decent Flash you have here

Hmmm well this was neat and kinda differant from other stuff i see on the portal, the character and graphics was pretty neat the color like in the layout was even better, i can see much more coming from this

Make more, maybe the screen should be a tad larger, hope that little tip helps

Looks good could be better


Impressive game

Ok now you have a very impressive game here, the graphics like the backround look very detailed, i live the little detailes you added, the game play that kinda reminded me of final fantasy, but maybe thats the idea you were going for, it ran smooth and i like what you did with this, hope to see more games like this from you in the future

Improve on stuff? well i thought the game play could be slightly faster like when attacking, and i wouldnt mind a larger screen to enjoy more of the detail in the art


MonoFlauta responds:

oks thanks for the review... we are making part 2 :P

Hmmm notbad

Well its notbad, another version of tetris i like the yellow backround but its still abit plain you should draw some design in the backround, nice job on the color for the oieces though those cameout well. anywyas good simple classic tetris, make some improvments soon'

Improve by adding more design like in the main backround of the game, the yellow is ok but needs more to that


This is not too bad

This was actually notbad at all for sprites and a huge file size. the size should be worked on somewhat though, and the "BUTTONS" should probably be removed, anyways decent animation

the whole Click next button seemed to get repetitive so i suggest you remove the buttons and just allow it to play as a movie instead it will have a much better result, the click next button just tends to anoy people when all they want to do is watch a movie. And I would suggest some file Compression as it seemed to take awhile to load up. and in the end it will generally attract more viewers to your work.


Nice twist of hangman

This game was alright, its basicly a twist from the classic "HANGMAN" but you made it up just abit differant, the graphics are pretty decent though and the effects seem to work well with all that is seen, nice job on this classic game

What to improve hmm, make more word type things like with a variaty of em.


Music was cute

cute and stylish game, and the "MUSIC" really flowed well with what was on the screen, as for the "GAME" it was fun, and i was getting addicted, its easy on the controls and the graphics style was simple but still enjoyed this one too the max

I would suggest, putting more stuff in there like more evil killing stuff and more death traps


Its an alright Tutorial

Notbad, its an alright tutorial, i like that its not just plain allthough the text could be spruced up, like not just the white but maybe a nifty "FONT" to match the green design you had, anyways good luck on other stuff

Work on the text in this one its somewhat plain but not so bad


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