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his is just an awesome game. The gameplay is great, and i love how you get new weapon when blowing up ships, the explosions when you die are cool, and the effects are great, i think you needed some work on drawing your character profiles but they were still pretty decent, i liked how it gets harder, and harder.. Make more of this cool stuff


Clock time

This was a nice rendition of the clock element I kind of feel like you could have added even more though Some good flavor on this game with a style all on its own it's games like this that really spark some interest Here we have another fun game with some good play time and seems like you have graced us with a fun game and hope to find even more gems like this, good clock art pieces and frames of them was a nice game.


This was nice

The levels on this are nice but wish it had more of a level select option, keep bringing us fun new worlds into your own world of games a nice game you have created and I hope to play more games like this in the future because you have really showcased a fun and exciting game here lots of nice effort and good detail so nice work here, As suggested above maybe a level selector


Great classic

The AI could be better I think somewhat easy on this version Yes indeed it is a classic and i have enjoyed it for many years I also like that you gave it something extra and its probably not easy to make it different from the original but you have gone and made an old classic with some new magic and fun elements, now dont get me wrong I do like this particular version of the game its still one very fun game indeed especially vs some AI.


Interesting game

So I guess its liek a platformer type with some really nice use of vibrant colors controls of the character are decent didnt know what to do at first Another fun game entry you made here some good solid game work right here you gave it some nice vibe and flavor so hope you make more like this one, but overall I found this thrilling and fun keep it going strong I will be back to checkout more of your work, great game with some nice color surrounding it


A classic game

Notbad and this particular version is actually notbad at all it has some hard elements though Tic tac toe that old classic game you have gone and made an old classic with some new magic and fun elements, now dont get me wrong I do like this particular version What a nice game here its one of those classic games that doesnt die but can bring on some new fun with some new twists I believe you have a nice style on this one, and you make the old classic fun once again.


A classic

The game is actually fun but the loading screen had some issues Tic tac toe that fun old game I for one have always enjoyed the game of tic tac toe and you have made it pretty fun, here we have is a classic Tic-Tac-Toe and you cant go wrong on this old classic, indeed it is a classic and i have enjoyed it for many years I also like that you gave it something extra, but besides all that mentioned this was a fun little game you have created.


Very fun

This game was pretty fun it has some nice interactive fun some nice medals and a good skill element about it, Well this was another weird game The funny thing is that I was actually just randomly looking for games I guess I liked this because it had such a fun spirit to it, I had no idea how some of this all came together but in the end it was all fun and worked out for the best It was a unique experience, This type of skill game could even use more medals to make it even more fun


Nice platformer

Wow this was intense especially with the backround effects and police sounds and whatnot really made for a nice game here Here was another fun platformer game you really make it seem fun and the concept and ideas that you bring into this platformer seem to really jump out at you and create a fun experience I was pretty impressed with your work here, and you made a very fun platformer game here, These are the best kinds of platformer type of games hope you make even more like this one.


Fun and fast

Controls are easy to understand Love the detail in this game and that is always nice to see. I think more people should puah the limits like you have here but regardless i had fun reviewing this game, love the fast paced style of the game and the eggs do drop pretty fast its a fun and nice game here, love the use of color and some added nice effects so nice game here


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