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Nifty game

The green element is nice kind of gives off that gameboy experience of it all, You have established something really interesting here among other things I found this to be groovy and even somewhat swanky But the most I would call this would have to be spectacular and unique, The controls come off nice the lil sounds are cool, and the medals are nice


Skate time

So its nice to see a skate board game again not tomany of these the tricks are well done and love the music and color but most of all it is pretty fun flipping that board ok so I took some time with this game it was an interesting one I found this to be fun and it has some good replay value besides that there is some excitement building around this one, so keep that up its all good stuff and for sure look forward for even more game types like this one, Nice skateboard game


Fun pac-Man

The backround music really fit well with this game really fitting This here was a fun pac-man game allthough its somewhat just like a pac man game you seem to have added in your own twist and style on this game and while there are a lot of these types in the portal you bring on some nice element and of course the gameplay within these types of games are always a plus, So for me this was a pleasure and you really made a good pac-man game here.



So this was a nice game you had here was kind of nifty with the art style not sure what was with all the shaking but it was a fun cute game almost like a lil platformer, Now ofcourse there are some things that can be worked on but You have distributed something really good here today and it was some solid work, Does seem to need more medals for more fun factor


Good pac-man type

A nice port but does seem to have some glichy bugs not sure if those can be looked at but would be much better running A good pac-man game here or version as some would say, you bring a few extras in this and kind of give it that re-play value its a plus, I love me the old classics like this pacman here and you really did make it with some added energy and that was a plus, I do look forward to even more of these types in the future because you cant go wrong with a fun pac-man game so nice game entry.



hese are funny, even though i seen them time and time again, this one with light colors was somewhat plain, and the whole pw thing was ok, you should add more stuff to it for a better effect and all, anyways it was fun, nice game



Well once again always thinking of these most unique and strategic style games and thats what you came up with awsome concept a lil hard but also simple so nice game here things responded well and you have a nice theme going on so for me this was a fun game and just love the vibe and flavour of this game, you made it with a unique twist of new and old ideas and that's what sparked it for me so keep up the good work on games, Moving the blocks and shapes was fun


Exciting game

Wow Im pretty impressed with this platformer type the pixel element is nice and the control system vs the reaction time is spot on, nice effects a fun action game here love the level ups too So here was an excellent game with some exciting elements bringing the platformer style a live and we'll it has a nifty design some interesting gameplay and keeps you wanting more to proceed in with I do like the game style of it all you make it look good too with the effects and visual detail but for the most part this was a pretty fun platformer game here, the pixel element is nice


Nice classic

I like the christmas element on this one What a nice game here its one of those classic games that doesnt die but can bring on some new fun with some new twists and turns and you made it entertaining once again, while some may not get a thrill from this game but I for one have always enjoyed the game of tic tac toe and you have made it pretty fun with this particular versions so nice game here today.



A nice game entry here with it being something different and all it was fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the theme of it all and that's what I liked about this particular game but regardless I had fun with it it was fresh and different Well i could understand a first time, Well that was decent, i like how you put the actionscripts in and we could see how things work, very informative, nice work indeed


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