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Another fun kill game

Killing will smith well that was fun there seems to be a lack of detail in the backround though some added props or scenes back there would be a plus, Another fun kill game those were the best kinds of games back in the day when newgrounds had these almost everyday, and thye gave off some entertaining fun as does this "PARTICULAR" one, you have a nice style some nice "IDEAS" and while it could use some small polish its still fun.

there seems to be a lack of detail in the backround though some added props or scenes back there would be a plus


A fun game here

A fun game indeed, even the graphics was notbad at all. thaught the size of this all was good aswell, and it was a fun and amusing game, keep up the good work a fun game does not need any changes it was pretty solid work here hope you make more like this soon.

nothing as it seemed just righ


Nifty Kill game

haha I love this game wish there was more options more items of killing maybe an anvil, maybe throwing a brick too, So here was a nice game with some nice kill options, its these games that really made newgrounds fun and "ENTERTAINING", so its these "VERY-SAME-KILL-GAMES" that I have come to enjoy with all there kill options and whatnot would love to see you make more of these, So nice game here.

I love this game wish there was more options more items of killing maybe an anvil, maybe throwing a brick too



so this was a fun yet different game, this is one of those games where you could ad some medals too the controls and mechanics of the game were a tad confusing but it was still a fun game here, you have some nice oldschool graphics but again it was fun.

some added medals would be nice


platformalist responds:

HI XwaynecoltX!

I've been considering adding medals to one of my next games - it's a concept I've never been too familiar with, since I didn't grow up with any sites that implemented medals, and have never gotten too deep into achievements online or on consoles. But it could be a fun challenge to implement! Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback. :)

A fine kill game

A nice game I would love to see some more different options like guns knives bricks etc, another great kill game here, you have some interesting kill ideas with this particular one A fine kill game here with some ok interactivity but also could have more options, but overall this was actually a fun kill games actually one of the better ones out there.

I would love to see some more different options like guns knives bricks etc


Some good games here

Good punching game you should ad wepons and different kill options it was fun though, Nice kill options, think adding more effects along with those kill options would be a big plus on things it would make this game better but I do "LIKE-YOUR-IDEA" here and the "KILL-OPTIONS-WERE-PRETTY-GOOD", these kinds of games are nifty I really enjoyed what you have presented here.

you should ad wepons and different kill options it was fun though


This was cool

So this was like a dress-up and a creator of a snowman it was a decent snowman creator, ad more random items in there, the creativity of dress-ups are fun and you went one step futhere so props to you for the creativity, this was some nice work on this game making it a fun experience and a decent dress-up so really nice effort here on this game and hope you keep up the good work.

ad more random items in there


A fun game

The artwork was very well detailed and shaded very nice, maybe some added animated items would be a plus here, Alright so this was a fun game you have created here so dress-ups are not perfect by any means but this was actually fun there was some good creativity on this game, and thats what I really enjoyed about it all you made a fun dress-up game here so nice job indeed.

maybe some added animated items would be a plus here


Another Cool Kill Game

Kill justin beaver lol this was funny the weapon choices are notbad, more different backround scenes would be nice, Another great kill game A "CLASSIC" of the grounds, But because it brings some fun kill options and I look forward to even more if you decide to ever make any more, But regardless its the idea and concept that makes this game pretty fun and entertaining some "SMALL-POLISH" in the future is always needed.

more different backround scenes would be nice


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