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Fun game

Ha wow this was a fun game it started off very {QUIRKY} abd the lil menu page intro was so cute and right away with some good music so nice job there, also love the fact that you have lots and lots of medals very nifty with that, so again nice job there, So as i got into the game it was pretty fun and great {SOUND/FX} fun stuff going on the little effects are pretty cool aswell, and i thought everything was just pretty good, and it does tend to get abit harder as you go along so nice job there, this was not a bad game very fun and can be addictive, anyways nice job on this one.

I think its just right but if anything maybe have each stage differant color blocks and such.

Fun game destroying blocks.


ThinXIII responds:

Thanks and very helpful, I'm sure to improve. Thanks again. :)

Fun game

ok so this one was cool, and i really like how you added alot of medals, medals always seems to make for a better game but you did add a good amount and some ok variaty in there so nice job on that aspect of stuff, really nice work here, Took a little while to load up but it was ok, I love the {COMIC-STRIP} style at the start that was pretty nifty, so nice job there, and great music aswell, very fitting for the gameplay, The idea was pretty good and it was an overall fun game, some {COLOR} would have been nice added to the black and white style just a bit here and there wouldnt hurt, but other then that it was a fun little game, so nice job on this one.

Add some color as mentioned above

Fun game nice gameplay


MrRandomist responds:

theres red, thats the dab of colour otherwise its black and white which is part of the style...
otherwise thanks!

Pretty creative game

OK so these games are always a plus especially when you ad {MEDALS} allthough you didnt add much medals on this one, you should think about adding much more, the fun part was the medals and your game made it that much more entertaining, I like the intro with pico and all, making it a fun pico day 11 a great day as always, so nice effort on this one, Nice {CONTROLS} on the walls that was {CREATIVE} great job there, The game play ran abit slow though not much responding with the controls i take it you did that on purpose or something, the music was a nice addition, so overall this was a pretty fun game, lots of action great visuals, and fun details, so nice job, as for improving i would suggest just more medals.

As mentioned more medals would be a plus

Fun game, great medals lots of replay value


Fantastic game

Another long loading flash but i must say this one was well worth the wait, it had lots of stuff going on, So when it finally started it was pretty good, I mean wow the graphics alone did it for me with great character great side scenes like if you get killed he wakes up again, very good {GAME-PLAY} with the controlls very smooth and sharp and no lagging whats so ever, so forget what i said about the loading time before it was well worth it, this game has alot of replay value and i enjoyed it, the weapon choices at first were ok thought that could have been abit better, but other then that this was a fantastic game and i had fun with it so keep up the awsome game making, ill keep my eyes out for more fantastic and exciting games.

Some better weapon selection to start off with.

Very fun game great controls, and smooth graphics.


Jimp responds:

Thanks a lot for another great review wayne!

Fun stickman game

Ok first off cool game here, now the {BACKROUND} especially in the first round was very hard on the eyes and may make some people {DIZZY} it was not getting to me that much but just something to think about for the future games and levels, Also thought the {CONTROLS} could have been better like useing the arrow keys would have been a better choice, i love the music and the game was pretty straight forward, and very fast paced, also love the {MUSIC} it was very fun and i kinda liked it, so nice game here, other then the backround it was a really fun game, hope to see more great games from you soon, i really liked this one.

Change the backround it was very flashy like and makes ones eyes dizzy, maybe some better control options besides the A/D maybe arrows more of a better choice??

Fun stick man platformer game


AmazingAdam4 responds:

Thank you very much. In any future game I will offer different controls since that has been the biggest complaint. Great and helpful review.

Cute and pleasent game

Cool loader, this was a neat little loader and the color rainbow was another nifty idea to really bring the flash animation out abit more, so nice job on that aspect of the flash and as for the flash itself, I must say the {MUSIC} was very cute as was the game and cute little character, so the {MUSIC} really fit in there wich i was impressed with, the game itself was fun and pretty basic with eating up fruit and veggies, a good concept and a cute game indeed, seemed to end short, the {CONTROLS} were ok but i thought it could have been abit more {SMOOTH} but guess thats what you were doing to give it some diffaculty anyways nice job on this pleasent and cute game, hope to see what you come up with next.

cute game abit choppy on controls other then that it was ok, you should try and make it longer lasting like have some bonus and mini stages

Fun and cute game.


Fun shooter game with homer/flanders

Haha great music and menu page at the start that kind of stuff always sets the tone for everything else, and i was glad to see you go the extra effort, so nice job, So the game was pretty fun no real gliches and or bugs, the shooting was great and the {SOUND/FX} was right on, the {VIEW-SCREEN} could have been abit larger i thought, but really other then that you have really done a good job on this game, simpsons are great and so was this delightfull game, so if any changes for improving i would suggest maybe, just make the view screen larger and that way you can add more detail aswell, anyways good job on this one.

Make the {VIEW-SCREEN} larger it will show more and allow you to show more detail and props, and such.

A fun shooter game with flanders


Aprime responds:

Hmm yeah, I guess that could work... however there is a maximise button on Newgrounds :P
If you check out version 4, you'll see a big difference in terms of graphics :P
Might make version 5, who knows haha



ok so this was interesting kinda fun the {FLASHING} was probably not too good on the eyes but still ok i suppose, lol guess i didnt do so well about 49% lol, kinda bad i know, but as for the game itself it was pretty amusing, nice idea with the guessing and the {MUSIC} was nice and seemed to fit well with it, the {SOUND/FX} was ok too, i think you should have made it longer and even made the faces larger somehow, but other then that it was a pretty good game and i had fun with it, You should think about even adding some {MEDALS} with that you can make it longer maybe even throw in a few mini games on the side just to give it abit more depth to the game, other then all that its a pretty fun game.

Making it longer with more faces, and even larger faces, and bringing in some medal options would be nice aswell.

Fun game great to guess aswell.


poxpower responds:

You're still around? Damn!

Fresh and fun

Well this was fun, i like the {FRESH} look and feel you gave it kinda like with the menu page after it loads, great colors funky music and just an overall {FUN} game you have here, The {GAMEPLAY} was pretty good too, no gliches or lag that slowed it down infact it was pretty simple if you ask me, and the {INSTRUCTIONS} were pretty good too, just an overall fun simple and freash game, i had fun with it, i even like the {STAGE} select of it aswell, so this was a good game now where can we improve on this game? to be totally be honest i would leave it like it is, if anything maybe a more {ANIMATED} feel from the characters but other then that its pretty impressive, great game!!!!

Some more animation from the characters themself, but thats more of a minor thing.

A cute fresh and well made game, nice job


Fun game here

So this is a pretty good flash you have here, really had lots of fun with it was glad it was a pico day one, the {FILE} was huge and did take awhile but was well worth the wait, and you do have lots of {MEDALS} that are always fun for any game, so nice job there, the lil character was cute and the pixel like graphics were pretty decent, its a good game again wish the loading time was better though, the game could also be somewhat faster, but it was pretty good for what it was, maybe adding abit more {EFFECTS} and so fourth, regardless of that its a good game and i had a fun time with it.

The file was very large well worth it, but would be nice to see some less loading time, could be sped up and maybe some more flashy effects all around.

fun game


EventHorizon responds:

~Thanks, you wrote an excellent review and I'm glad you liked my game, the next time I will create a game with the file size smaller so as to reduce the time of loading~

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