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Fun and cute game

This was an interesting flash, the flash did however take abit longer to load then expected not a big issue but still something, but anyways i like the preloader and you added some ok color to it all very nice, and nice effort on your part, So finlly after the game loaded , it was quite fun and entertaining kind of like an {ASTROIDS} game except with a cute little horse, the game ran pretty {SMOOTH} easy to maneover around and stuff, and the shooting was good, even sound/fx and added music was great it all worked well and flowed perfectly, i think to improve on the {SHOOTING} you should make it ossible to shoot up and downwards, just a helpful tip that could make the game more enjoyble, but other then that i liked the game, it has a very cute-ness to it, so nice job all around on this and i like the eddort you put forward.

Fun game could use more shooting options as mentioned above

Fun cute and you get to kill stuff lol


gavD responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The engine supports omnidirectional mouse shooting, but we actually removed it for a more old-school feel. I'm working on a semi-sequel, using the same engine, but with a much more hardcore, powerup based, explodey kind of feel

Interesting and fun

well this was a fun game kinda neat with all the medals and stuff not toomany stuff get the medals but i was glad to see that this one had some, and you added some fun medal options some easy some not so much, but thats the point of a good game, but anyways good idea here with the medals, so props to you there, The game otself was pretty fun, the "GRAPHICS" could use some fine-tuning more effort in detail and nice effects wouldnt hurt either, i thought the controls could have ran smoother, maybe more straight forward type of controls, or more of something more basic, but anyways its something to work on or look into, I like this game because it was a "PICO" likeness now ofcourse that was probably the idea, So you have a good game here could use some more effort on the controls, and the graphics could also be smoothed out abit, maybe even add some more odd medal options but really for the mostpart of this whole game i thought it was a pretty good fun and entertaining game so nice job on this one. just work on those few ideas and fixes and this game should be even better anyways good luck on your next entry.

A few things would be as suggested, some smoother controls even some slight improving on graphics, and even some extra medals

a good game very entertaining


Fun and nifty game

The graphics were very impressive on this game, i dont play alot of games on here as i watch more movies, but this was some pretty good graphics and ran pretty smooth with the whole game itself, anyways nice job there with the graphics, this was an ok game could have allowed for being able to shoot more stuff some stuff seemed kinda lacking, so that could be something you could work on, This game tended to get hard, but there was also ways to work on other stuff, so all and all it was a fun game. it really thrived on graphics which i thought was the best part of it all so nice job indeed, I really like the slow motion option it was a neat little feature so props there, but again awsome job on graphics, and really neat game could use a few fixes like easier mode maybe you could make other nifty features like the the slow motion i thought that was a pretty impressive idea, so go with it and make it even better, anyways good game here i had fun with it.

add more of the slow motion feture, and maybe an easier portion of the game would be nice.

A fun game could use some fixes and more fetaures but it was pretty fun game overall


Short and fun shooter

ok so this is notbad, you presented a good game it needs some work, such as more {SCENES} more places, and much more people and enemies to shoot, maybe even having some differant choices of guns that shoot faster and do even more stuff like explosions and gernades and uzies stuff like that, its a good game and i had fun with it but needs more detail especially in the characters like more lose limbs of the enemies have them walk down stairs even, but other then that its a pretty good game and a start to even a better game, so hope to see a much improved version oneday, untill then good luck.

having some differant choices of guns that shoot faster and do even more stuff like explosions and gernades and uzies stuff like that at the start you had a start {BUTTON} you should make it larger somehow, also having differant scenes new places to see, also having the enemies harder to kill behind stuff and stuff like that would really improve on this.

A fun and short game needs some more effort though


Fun game

This was notbad even for as old as it is, the menu page was ok not too bland but still had something to view, my issue here was that the {START} button seemed abit small and out of the way i think it would better benifit users if it was up front and larger, just a tip there, ok so this was a fun little game, there are a few things i thought you could fix up like the small ship make its a tad larger also get rid of the hand curdor portion of it, the {BACKROUND} could use some {STARS} to look more like space and ships and all, would make it look better more visually, just another tip that could improve on this, so hope it helps, anyways nice game here hope to seemore from you soon, this was a fun game

make the ship larger and you may want to get rid of the curser {HAND} also noticed the backrounds were very bland why not add spme stars since its in space and all.

fun shooter game with ships.


Interesting game

Well this was interesting, i like the differant game modes you had here, now this was not the type of gme i was expecting but when i finnally got into it i was like wow this is interesting i like the idea of actall figures here, and the game was fun i made it to the 2nd monsor or dino lol, but still a fun game, ways to improve on this? well you need more anuamtion frpm the characters and some more music sound/fx that is abitt more louder and such, these ideas and tips would greatly improve on this but i still had an amazing experience with this game, very impressive idea here, now just go with it, so i hope to see more from you, good luck.

I suggested some ideas, more louder sounds and music, more interaction from the characters aswell

Fun game and neat idea for a game aswell.


Madeinpda responds:

Thank you!

I hope to make more games soon!

Fun and addictive

Really good game here, atfirst i was like ok this is kind of hard but as you get into it, you really get the hang of it, and it gets {ADDICTIVE} the cute little robot is fun and its neat to control and overall is a fun game, the {MUSIC} was catchy and seemed to fit well with the content very pleasent, and just was right, the game was fun addictive and fun, the first 5 levels for the 25 points is fairly easy. as for that the next were kinda hard and stuff but still other then that it was an alright game very fun and entertaining.

maybe spread out the points more like 10, 10, and so on

fun game catchy music, entertaining


Fun and entertaining game

ok first off nice work with this game especially the {MEDALS} i especially liked the {GALERY} the artwork was fantastic, I love how {SMOOTH} the gameplay was including, the animation and action afterworth, even the little animation before the fight was pretty smooth looking and very fresh looking in artwork, crisp and sharp, as for the game itself, Now there was lots of medals it does get hard, i do wish there was a better {CONTROL} system, like comboes that you could control yourself, would make for a better battle, the pushing of spacebar is fun but wish it had abit more to it, anyways good game i thought.

Fun game could use more depth in the controls and such, more combos that the user can do

fun game but needs more depth in the controls and more control by the user


Awsome game

Hmmm wow this was actaully a pretty fun game there was alot going on the grids actually looked pretty good and the overall gameplay was even better i had fun with this one, i do however wish there was more {ENHANCED} visuals you did have some ok ones but maybe more detailed but i guess that would just bog down the flash itself, but for the mostaprt this was a great game and i really had fun playing it, there was lots to think on and do and thats what kept me interested and not bored so props to you on that aspect of things, it has a good {REPLAY} value wich i really liked, but anyways more enhanced visuals would be my only suggestion of improving for the most part it was fun and entertaining with lots of replay value.

As above review just some enhanced visuals and you are good to go.

Fun and entertaining lots of replay value


glider521al responds:

Thanks for trying and reviewing my game!

The visuals will be improved. When I have time, I'll try and make better backgrounds/tilesets/particles effects.
Sooner or later I'll be looking to find a willing isometric artist who can help me with the spriting...

However the priority for now is engine optimization and adding in the other half of the core gameplay elements.

Updates will be occuring a bit less frequent, as I'm bogged down with Uni work at the moment:
e.g. Software processes and Design 1500 word Essay :(

Rest assured though that I'll never abandon this project, thanks to the constructive feedback from people like you.

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