
11,872 Game Reviews

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((( GOOD FUN )))

This is the best one yet, i liked the way you did this with pirates, and the more levels you have in this one, i also like how you start off where you last died, and all the new things you add in this one. The animates are ok, and i like how you animated the ball guy. The music goes well with this, and i liked how you have set it all up, its a fun game...


((( FUN )))

This is a very interactive game, i like all the options you have given us to choose from, and the effort you put into this game. The gameplay is good, and i liked the way the men would battle though it was a bit dark, but still nice the way you did it. The sounds are ok, but a bit scratchy at times, it was a fun game to play...


((( FUN )))

Well this is fun, but you need to add some more moves into this, but it was still pretty fun to play, i liked the way you set up your own keys on how to move, and the way you have more characters to choose. The animations were nice, and the gameplay was a bit slow at times, but ok to fight with, its a good job so far, and i hope to see the next version soon...


((( OK )))

Hmm the idea you have here is good, i liked the way you have to click things fast to win, and if your not fast enough you lose...

The graphics are ok, but maybe next time you could add more detail to things, and make the lightsaber action a little fast, but it is a decent effort so far...


danburton720 responds:

Very fair.

((( FUN )))

Hey this is pretty fun, i liked the last ones you have made, and this one is also very good. The gameplay is nice, and i like how you have to jump past the fire in this game. The music is ok, and goes nice with this, i liked the levels the most it was fun to pass them, and i enjoyed this game...


FairPlay responds:

Hoppity Hop 3 has only 5 levels. Hoppity Hop 4 is going to have over 30 levels, starting from the most easy to end with a nice difficulty level. Thanks for your review, we appreciate it !

((( GREAT FUN )))

Hmm this is a good idea you have here, i liked the way you can move the hand around so you can shoot from different angles, and how far the spit ball will go. The animations are nice, and i like how people do silly things when they get hit by the spit ball. The effort you put into this really shows, and the gameplay in this game is very smooth, its great fun to play...


((( AWESOME )))

Whoa this is an awesome game to play, i loved the ships, and how you fly, i also liked how when you got hit the ship would spin, and you would have to get back control of it. The graphics in this were great, and i loved the gameplay, this is a great game, and i enjoyed it very much...

Good job...


exfuga responds:

I am certainly honored for getting such a positive review from somone with over 10,000 reviews, jesus!

((( CUTE )))

Wow great fun, and a great animation to watch, i like th way you have choices to see differents shorts, and how funny each one of them was. The sprites were animated well. The one game where you have to find that thing was a bit hard, but i got it, i liked the effort you put into this animation it shows, it was cute to watch...


((( FUN )))

Well this was a fun game to play, i liked how it would get harder, and harder everytime you avoided more bombs. The little character that runs away from the bombs looks cute, i like how you animated the background around them, and the bombs look pretty cool with the danger label on them, its a fun game...


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