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((( ROFFL )))

I dont know, it was just something that made me laugh haha, ya it sounds bad but it was just funny, the game is not easy it starts right off from the get-go, great use of color, and funny characters, so overall nice work indeed, and funny...


((( OK )))

The trperiter at the start was a nice touch heh, i like how you had audio it it, but the overall design and look to it was not pleasing to the eyes, but as for the tutorial, it was helpful somewhat so notbad...


((( DECENT )))

Notbad work, and its a Tutorial that presents itself very well like the menu screen with nice looking buttons, and you had lots of tuts to learn from which is awsome, so i hope that this will help someone out, looks good sofar, keep it up...


Satoshiji responds:

Thank you.

((( AWSOME )))

Awsome flash game, it was abit crazy but was hellish funny, and great gameplay, i couldnt stop, its very entertaing, loved it, you should make more like this, great game hope to see more soon...


((( AWSOME )))

Wow that was a great game, it did seem somewhat laggy though when moving the gun around, the graphics were grat though very awsome detail and even better backrounds, i loved every bit of it very nice work, hope to see more soon...


((( DECENT )))

Well notbad its decent work though, still could use more visuals, alot of text just doesnt do great by itself, but still was an ok tutorial that will help some people, i hope, anyways notbad...


((( FUN )))

This is a fun little game you have here, i liked the little ball characters, and how the run around, and look cute. The sound effects are nice, and i like the laser weapon that it shoots at people, and the water to drink is cool too...

Maybe next time you could add some more detail into the background, and shading to the characters, its a really fun game...


((( NEAT )))

Wow this is neat, i liked all the detail you have in this scene creator. The backgrounds are nice, and its cool how you can choose different part of the game as backgrounds, and how you have the background music of that part to go with it, i liked how you can type stats in the most that was cool, i have never big much of an FF player, but this is indeed a really neat scene creator of the game...


((( HHAHA )))

Simpsons are cool, and while this was a sorta clone it made me laugh and had some ok entertaining value to it so i was pleased with it, and ya gotta love the simpsons music, great stuff indeed, funny simpsons version of pac-man...


((( OK )))

WEll it was fun, abit out of times since the election is over heh, still funny though, the over-sized heads made me laugh abit, funny flash though, keep it up...


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