
11,872 Game Reviews

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((( FUN )))

This is actually a pretty fun game, but the problem with it is there is not sound maybe next time you could add some sound, but even without sound it is still really fun, and you did a good job making it, i liked how you have to click certain things in time before you die it made things more of a challenge, and more fun...


((( CUTE )))

Hehe this is a cute little character you have here, i like how you make it run around to avoid balls. The gameplay is nice, and i liked how the balls get faster, and faster making it harder to avoid that made the game more fun...

Maybe next time you could add more detail to your background, and some sound, but it is fun to play...


((( FUN )))

Whoa this is a really fun game, i loved the gameplay, and the way you have to control the white blood cell. The detail you put into your game is great, and all the effort you put into this shows too, i liked the music, and sound effects a lot they sounded cool, i also liked how you can get special powers for your white blood cell, and get more germs faster...

Good job...


Glaiel-Gamer responds:


((( HAHA )))

Oh man that was fun to watch, and to kick the butt of that kid hehe, i liked the special way you kill him the most, and i liked how you can flag him. The sound was nice. The detail in your animations is ok, but maybe next time you could add more to it, but its pretty good what you have so far, i loved the end where you choose things the most...


evilproducts responds:

thanks dude I thought it was pretty fun too thats why I made it. im going to try and add more so keep chcking back!!

((( AWESOME )))

Whoa this is a really awesome game, i loved playing it, and it was a lot of fun. The gameplay is smooth, and the graphics and drawings are really nice, and detailed, i liked that megnatized rock the most because it was hard to pass at times, and made things a challange, this was a really fun game, and i hope to see more...


((( FUN )))

Wow this is a fun Metroid sprite game maker you have here, i liked the way you organized all the characters, and how you put good detail into making the sprite past well on the background page. The music goes good with the game. The menu is really nice, and i really liked how you chould pick places to make...


((( FUN )))

Hehe this is a fun game to play with the bouncing ball, i liked the way you set up the gameplay, and the control you use. The sound goes nice with the game, and i liked the sound effects too. The gameplay is smooth, and the game idea is very original, i liked how the ball has eyes, and looks kinda cute...

Keep up the good work...


((( AWESOME )))

Whoa this game was really awesome, i loved the gameplay so much, and the detail you have put into this, the menu, and options are great, and its very interactive, i really liked this game, and hope to see more of them...



W00T! Thanks!

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