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((( FUN )))

Cool fun game you have made, i like how good the gameplay is, and how fun it can be to run away from the rain, the sound is a bit low, but is nice for this game, i liked the reason behind why he can not get wet it was cute, good game...


jellyrools responds:

Glad you enjoyed playing!

((( FUN )))

Its fun so far, but it needs some intructions to go with it, but its good so far, i like the way you used your colors in this, and how you drew the eye, the sound is nice for the game, and its a good game idea...


deletedaccountxlrs responds:

Why thank you!! (Oh and there are some iffy instructions on the main page(i))


Awesome this is just so great i loved it a lot, and the way you put it together is just awesome, i loved the gameplay its smooth, and the controls are really nice to handle, the detail into your drawings, and animations are good, and the sounds are really clear and go great with the game...


gavD responds:

gavD: Thankyou for your comments! The soundtrack was partially written specially for the game - Statler and Waldorf made FIVE "Fight" theme remixes for us to choose from!
Embeeforme: We spent 4 months on this game so your complement helps!

((( ROFFL )))

Haha that was great how many errors there can be in Windows XP, and how you over did some of them to make it more funny, i like the interactivity in this, and how much good detaill is here, it was like being on a real computer, and that was very cool indeed...


samUK2005 responds:

whoot! Thanks!

((( IT WAS OK )))

Hmm its ok, but where is the sound? there needs to be some sound to make a game more interesting, and fun, i did like playing it it has lots of good gameplay, and interactivity. The style, and drawings are nice, and it was ok to play...


((( COOL )))

This is notbad of a game, kinda like the old classic its made from, or something, nice graphics, it did seem abit laggy, but had very good backround music, i had fun with it...


((( FUN GAME )))

Hey that was fun, and i love how you used the whole mortal kombat theme, really nice idea aswell, it was action packed heh, anyways fun and entertaining, you should make another one but maybe something different, it was really fun...


((( AWSOME )))

Awsome game, had lots of fun with it, i did play it 2x it was just that fun, the only thing i can say is that the file size was huge and could be something to work on unless you have other plans, great game though keep it up...


((( FUN )))

Umm this was fun but a bit too hard you die the minute you touch a enemy, and thats a little much, i like the controls and the sound effects were nice...

Maybe next time you could add more detail to the sky, and the sticks like maybe some faces, and more detail...


((( FUN )))

This was a really fun game to play, i really liked the whole idea with the chess pieces, i like chess myslef, and so this was quite entertaining for me to play...

Maybe next time you could add some more detail into the background, and texture into things...

Good job on the game...


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