
11,872 Game Reviews

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props to you on some fine detail within the game itself and good energy and effort on this little entry of yours Games like these showcases very well i was pretty impressed with this whole game so nice entry here Haha it was funny, i like all the different heads they had some good detail about them, and some ok backround music was used, it was entertaining, nice job


Fun car game

So here was a great car game I especially love the top view you have on this one, the style of the game is good the sprite / pixel type is nice and has an old classic grand theft auto on this game so it was nice the controls are good some added medals and features would be nice, Another good game submission right here on this one and bringing on a world of fun entertainment this game does bring on some fun visuals and even better gameplay some added medals and features would be nice



So this one here was a pretty wild game love the vibrant color and sound F/X you really have to pay attention to the drops it can be addictive too, i love the effort and detail that goes into these games such as you have created here. I love the effort you have pushed here on this particular game, Also seems like you could ad in some extra medals for this fun game anyways wild and fun game



A fun and cute game some medals are easy the Rated R version was kind of funny the point and click style with these was fun seems like it could have had more maybe other clocks in different rooms etc, good gameplay some nice visuals but most of all you make it fun and entertaining and that's all we really ask for so for me this game submission it was a solid entry, and it was a fun game all around so nice energy here it was a fun exciting and fantastic game, the Rated R version was kind of funny again lol



I like these story types and you really did nice with the romantic date and the art style alone is really nice love the character expressions too with different results so nice job there ok so I took some time with this game it was an interesting one I found this to be fun and it has some good replay value besides that there is some excitement building around this one, so keep that up its all good stuff and for sure look forward for even more game types like this one, A good story based game here


Decent game

This game entry is Loaded with delightfull stuff as for this game it was a nifty lil game and I was pretty happy with the gameplay I was glad to have tried some things out, The game was fun and entertaining But you all the elements together making for a decent game here nice work



So this was notbad of an avoid type but seems like the advert of it kinda gets in the way I love the mechanics of this game and can be fun just wish there was even more content and I found the controls to run smoth


Nice indeed

So this was actually one of the better action shooter based games the art was pretty good but I personally like what you did with the controls and how smooth they ran made for a really fun game and a good game playthrough



This is a nifty physics game a little different from most and you really bring in the puzzle solving style and that's what really made this fun I love the simple style to it brings on some nice mechanics on here anyways a nice game here



So this was fun and I have to say that these collapse type of games are rare but still fun there's some good content on this game and I like the style of it all but the graphics style and art visuals came off well and was nice to see


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