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Awesome soundboard the content was good the sounds notbad Another good soundboard to enjoy some nifty sound elements that you bring to the table on this one and it's a fun board these types of games with buttons and sounds are always something nifty


Soundboard galore Lady Gaga Soundboard at that also love the little quotes you added It's always nice coming across some soundboard game types as you have here on this one this one was not half bad some interesting sounds in this and a nice visual look on it the theme is interesting too so notbad with this soundboard good work


Wow this was really good I love the depth and fun visuals that it brings on, This is really well developed for a more story element too you make it fun and lots of medals make it even more fun, its one of those games that keeps you into it so really nice work


A nice action platformer here some really fun achievments to gather too, You really have to time some of the jumps on this one but it was fun, And avoiding enemies was not easy but still entertaining so overall a fun game here


Nice soundboard here The theme here Vegeta Soundboard DBZ Kai was nice and you added in some comical humor points too A cool soundboard indeed it has an interesting style and you created a full on soundboard here with something different about it I love the design of this


Entertaining board The Elemental Master Sondbord was nice im not the most familuar on this theme This one here was pretty entertaining interface is notbad and some decent sounds in this whole game here a nice soundboard the sounds are nice and bring on a few unique ones


Simple but fun this was fun a bit simple for my tastes but still i found it very interesting and actually did play it a few times, the character was neat allthough could use some more detail the main one I mean, anyways fun game I liked it Fun and simple keep up the game works


Fun game good music Ok fun game you have here, very good response on controls and fast paced shooting just like I like, the best part of this game was that you can play musice a very nice feature, anyways good game keep up the good work Fun and entertaining but untill next time keep up the good game making


Interesting Well it was interesting The interface and style of graphics was not bad, A bit confusing at first but with some slight fiddling I figured it out but it was entertaining and fun, So not bad on your part keep at it I like these types Fun chance like game types you have some nice ideas on this one


Fun game here its simple and fun but does keep you a bit busy, kinda gets abit repetitive though the differant blocks is neat and you showed some good graphics and good response to controls, I had fun with it, nice job indeed instead of going off screen allow it to go to next screen after he makes the jump Fun and entertaining jumping game but anyways nice work


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