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DevilDriver is notbad and you present it well here there could be some added polish on the design, would love and more on the unique side of things and I really liked this soundboard, I like the interaction with making the sounds work and a good theme on top of that


Sounds of the board and with this one Burton's Wonka soundboard a good theme indeed Some nice sounds of the board and the interface is notbad at all you are giving us something unique with this board and it shows off well and of course the sounds are nice


A nice action platformer game here, The health builds up at a slow rate there could be pick ups that allow for faster health build up, You should allow for more exploring of the whole map, but honestly the game is fun just needs a few twiks and tweaks


Well this is interesting its something you normally dont see, I do feel this could be better maybe some added content more visuals and much more interaction for more game like elements, but honestly it was notbad and does have some potential


OK well this one was different but does seem to need much more content and sounds, The quality was not half bad I like the concept and theme of this particular soundboard, with some interesting sounds and such but still needs some more all throughout


Good sounds this killmyself soundboard was notbad but some clicps needed more quality sound, Some good sounds on this soundboard it was different then most soundboard types you gave it some nice vibes and good energy surrounding the theme of sounds here


I like this game and all the details of the characters that you added, That really made for a fun little game here, some fun elements and fun skill based elements for this game, No major bugs found on this game it was pretty fun though


Well notbad with this game seems like using a different button like the enter key might be better instead of the mouse option for the enter action, the puzzle system of the game was nice and tricky at times overall a fun game here


Another soundboard The red vs blue version so nice work here Well another soundboard here I like the theme you have pushed here this one has some nifty and some unique sounds I like the energy behind this one even though it's not a playing game it's still a fun soundboard


Darksydephil Soundboard just not sure who Darksydephil is but as a soundboard this was pretty nice, really hope you make more of these as they are nice and an overall fun soundboard type, but anyways a good lil game here fun soundboard


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