
11,872 Game Reviews

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Kinda fun This was like a guessing game It was kinda fun but could use some more stuff maybe some mini game within this one, i like it but it needs abit more something to entice the viewers Something like a mini game to mix with the fun Fun game but needs more as suggested but regardless it was notbad


Well notbad on the tutorial but seemed abit bland you should give step by step methods on the gun creations as well as addimg better and fresh looking interface like more color and some better backrounds things that really pop out more Decent tutorial but needs more but overall I liked it


Fun and addictive little game I was playing this for a while before I got tired but it was fun as a suggestion make the explosion hit more the one donut, You should make another one with new styles and such Addictive but very fun game and I look forward to even more games like this


An Arnold soundboard very nice its decent the buttons and interface could have a more fresher and sleeker design about it, A fun and nice theme too I like the energy this brings and a nice visual look on it the theme so keep making these


Nice puzzle game on this one adding on some special hints would be a plus, I think even more visuals and use that as a hint but still a fun and good puzzle trivia type of game here it was pretty fun and entertaining so keep up the fun game works like you have done here


Nice find A nice find in this soundboard you are giving us something unique with this board Soundboard of many quotes from Charlie Falzarano and it was entertaining, and it shows off well nice vibes and good energy surrounding the theme of sounds here some interesting sounds in this


Decent soundboard Cussin' With Sarge this was actually really good, So this here was a decent soundboard and brings on some nice sound work I like how this looks and easy to understand the interaction is smooth and not confusing it's a decent soundboard


Some nice amount of medals on this game very fun indeed and nice to try and acheive them, The boss fights are pretty good on this one some nice game mechanics and this was just fun some pretty decent graphics too anyways good work all around on this one here


Some improved effects would be nice and maybe some creative mechanics and elements to keep one interested, This was fun but I like the traditonal explosion effects and sound/fx Improved effects and styles thats what would improve on this, But for the mostpart I had fun with it so notbad and keep up the good work


Could be improved Controls could be reworked maybe adding in some sort of rapid fire but the controls could be smoother, This was notbad but could be improved I thought the ship was too tight on the controls you should have it more smooth so the ship can be controlled abit better, other then that it was not a bad game Add more smoothness to the game


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