
11,872 Game Reviews

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Kill games are cool

Killing pumnkins is ok and even the cats lol I do think you should have more kill options in this more different kinds of weapons and such, They have different ways of killing and you have presented some nice ideas in this one with the kill options, So I dont see "THESE-TYPES-OF-GAMES" anymore but they are still fun like this one here it was "ENTERTAINING-FOR-SURE", and enjoyed the killing options on this one.

I do think you should have more kill options in this more different kinds of weapons and such


A killing game

Well, ive been seeing this frog around a lot all over the place, and i still dont see why its hated but this flash showed me its very annoying, but all the violence sure helped stop that annoying stuff, i like the animations, and the detail in this. The whole idea about it is kinda funny Well here is one of those classic games of killing someone or something with different kill options, these types of games are pretty fun they are creative for all the different ways to kill and such, dont see much of these game types anymore but they are still fun.

Some added flashy effects on impact of the kill options.


A Cool quiz

Notbad this one will test your knowledge of presidents for sure I knew remembering presidents in school would come in handy, you should have the pic in the frame change up now and then, So this game here was pretty fun cant say I was the best at this quizz but I found it to be fun, Im sure theres some interface changes that could make it look better but for the quiz itelf it is pretty awsome and like how this was presented in a unique way.

you should have the pic in the frame change up now and then



Well I have to say that this was a very creative idea and probably have only seen a few like it on the site so you made it work well and allows for some fun creatiove writing and story writing aswell, onlything I might ad onto this might be some added borders or interface design and color, anyways fun game here.

onlything I might ad onto this might be some added borders or interface design and color


A fun and unique quiz game

This was a nice game it was tricky but all the symbols really make it fun aswell as the slight music in the backround, So here we have A fun and unique quiz game with some nice elements and it shows you pushed some nice effort on this one these kinds of games are fun because of the type of game quizz it is maybe a question maybe a shape or formation regardless a fun game.

maybe a larger view screen but besides that this was a fun game.


A fun game

so this was nice I like the game the graphics and art are nice very smooth and love the music aswell a simplistic game but you made it fun and entertaining the colortone was pretty good too so a nice little game you have created here its a nifty game

no major changes maybe some added effects on action moments would be nice.


Having fun with tetris

Well notbad I do think much more color could be added into the interface of the backround element of the game, This was a fun game and tetris is always something fun here you have some nice ideas when it comes to this you even added some new elements about it some nice details here im sure some added stuff would make this better but I have to say this was a fun tetris game.

I do think much more color could be added into the interface of the backround element of the game


A different tetris

wow this was different I like the music and like the stick man closing up the screen almost, a fun little tetris game here and no changes needed, So this was something different I like me some games and I like me some tetris so seeing and playing this game of tetris was a nice find you really made for some nice fun times and brings me back some memories of always playing some classic tetris so nice game

a fun little tetris game here and no changes needed


An interesting game of Tetris

A fun game of tetris here, the music was awsome the graphics even better, maybe throw in some flashy effects, A great game of Tetris here and is showcased very well so I had some fun with this classic game An interesting game of Tetris that you have created on this one, so really nice work I have enjoyed your work here today and look forward to even more.

the music was awsome the graphics even better, maybe throw in some flashy effects


A nice kill game

haha nice I like that you have a score on this and gotta kill the tax guy right, no changes here on this one, I find this particular one pretty interesting and just a fun game because you have "DIFFERENT-WAYS-TO-KILL" and thats kind of nifty it may not be the game for everyone but I found this game to be a good fun when you get bored, so it was a pleasure "REVIEWING" this kill game.

gotta kill the tax guy right, no changes here on this one,


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