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Fun game

This was ok sorta fun, i like puzzles kinda seems like it needs more effort but was fun, you also sould work down the filesize as it was up there not that big of a deal but still coul use some downsizing. also add some maybe mini games so that the puzzle parts dont get repetitive, anyways fun game nice job


Boom boom

Haha i love the sgooting sound, bum bum bum, haha, this was a rather simple game, but still fun, as for mel gibson heh well he is ok but kinda anoying in the game, you may want to work on your, backrounds abit better and also give the game more options, ,aybe different weapons and such, but also darken up the colors for an overall better look, anyways nice job keep it up


Nice one

So this was a nice game here you have some good skill needed here especially with jumping on the right block, You have something decent here Its a good game pretty nifty infact ultimately it was still a fun game entery and had lots of positive points that I came to enjoy, Graphics are fresh and good visuals so keep up with that I had fun with this one And once again this was a decent game I really liked what you presented, nice medals on this one and lots of them


Good one

A nice beat em up game here has some intense details and good action points on the game, A well engineered game you have here but it was a very good game to start off with anyways I must say this was a pretty fantastic game for the mostpart it was a highly entertaining game, I love the depth of the game with some nice polished work here it kept my interest and has some nice visuals and graphics that really came together, good fighter game


A fun game

The game is kind of like a platformer but i love the backround layout with some nice detail This was A really decent and fun submission you have something decent here and the effort shows Well established and but still is pretty nifty as is, Controls are smooth and respond well with the actions So as i get into this with this and that I did find it entertaining and smooth and was overall pleased with it, character is tiny but the game is fun


Needs menu

This was fun, i must have tryed it about 4-6X before understanding what to do, so i would suggest making a menu screen with how to play and stuff and what controls what, idea of the game and all, it was cute and somewhat fun, but could be improved with a menu screen



Notbad, the opening was ok, with the music and the logo thingie, maybe make a better button or something, and you should have it redirected to a menu screen, if that was all the soundboard was i would suggest more stuff to be added and more of a sleeker design, notbad though


Needs work

his looked to have a good start, the flashing loader was abit much, i also had to start it like 3x over it may have something to do with the loader since i found myself right clicking play alot, it was a good start though, better luck next time


Good idea

Notbad, this was a neat idea, allthough not all viewers might think so, maybe if you added some music behind it, it would be interesting the comic style was cool though lots of good happenings and good artwork, and good characters, so notbad at all, anyways keep up the decent comics and flash


Nice game

This was a good game, i like how you have lots of different options just like in the game, a way to improve on this waas to have some really odd and strange kills of your own, i know you had a few of your own but really make it something different and not so like the game, but anyways it was good and i had fun with it


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