
11,872 Game Reviews

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The great pumnkin jump the game brings on some fun interactivity and some fun elements all across the halloween themed game, seems like more medals and even more features could really be pushed on this one overall the game was pretty fun and entertaining


Well this was something interesting its a sort of platformer but you really ad on the puzzle system but ad on a unique puzzle element, Here we have the next generation of gameh works but these have some interesting ideas So I do like what is comming out in these kinds of game entries, Once you get into level 15 it does get a bit tough the mechanics are interesting, I like what you have brought forward here this was a pretty decent game entry now even with that said there are some stuff on this submission that really made it fun, So here was a fun and entertaining game nice puzzle system/Platformer game


Puzzle blast an interesting and fun game here has a twist from tetris and thats ok but I do like the detail and mechanis you added in on this one, It does seem to need more maybe some added bonus elements maybe some boss level of sorts


Simple and fun the tutorial was nice but have to say that first level is a little tough but you could make it so it progressed from moderate to harder, and adding even more medals even for the most random things would be a plus anyways fun game here


An interesting one this time but I guess you did make more lol, These games are cute and entertaining and the combanations are fun, this is top notch stuff and shows off some nice skills with the different style here so nice game once again


Ha another one of these I really like the different combos of chickens and colors and some fantastic medals too, A fun click game here and very entertaining with the different combinations, Hope you make more of these someday


Really fun game at first I didnt know what to do but you had a small mini tutorial and made it easy, Amusing game some decent interactivity and fun to play there was alot to see and it was overall fun so great job all around and fun game, All the combos was pretty insane allowing for some pretty qwerky results but it was fun, So keep up the good work and i look forward to more but anyways decent game I had fun with this game and most of all keep up the fantastic game work, A fun and qwerky game with combonations


This here was notbad of a quizz I really like the backround visual to accent some of the scenes and it was a nice features the resident evil quizz game is fun does need more like some music or something but regardless this was a fun quiz game


This was not bad at all, the way you have the buttons was a bit odd though, and they were a bit small, maybe make more of a menu screen like on the side so the user can just click away and stuff, it was cool though with the different options, a decent dress-up.


Notbad of a game, lots of options and detail, the graphics alone was great as well, very fun, the character's were easy to point at, and with some great sound sit made for a fun and entertaining game indeed, so nice work, would love to see more of it it has great detail, just like I like....


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