
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well an interesting idea with picking toms nose I dont think it went very well but the graphics are nice and the controls are nice but still pretty decent


Well this was an interesting one and seems like you had some help on this game the multidirectional controls on this was nice the visual graphics was notbad and it was a fun game here, so nice work all around


A sleep walking cat ohmy thats an interesting idea it was a cute cat and even the small animation too, But anyways another fun game hope you can keep making these odd ball games


Oh my lol the four stick characters doing there thing was a LOL moment lol you need to add some color and a splash of visual detail in this one


This was an odd one for sure but the visuals could have been much better but overall it was a fun idea just needs more push and more development


Ohmy its like a fart machine but then its not, The visuals are ok I think some added interactivity would have been nice on this maybe some added animations


It was an enjoyble piece here well game its hard but has some nice concepts the visuals and graphics could be much better and such, But it was a fun lil experience with this one


What an amazing visual on Game you really know how to open up the creative side of things and make it look very good and very easy so awsome job indeed its designs and games like these that just pop off so well That ws a cool kinda dress-up, it seemed kinda small though, it needs to be abit larger, but is cool to mess around with, nice job


You have showcased us something fantastic here today with this Game style it does well all on its own keeping the creative elements together and flowing well and those are the good submissions i love seeing hat was a cool game, the controls worked well except when you pres down it takes a deep dive, maybe thats how its meant to bem but anyways fun game, not laggy at all


There was various things I liked about this, And there was some things that could have been Achieved even better, And here is another finely crafted peiece and you can tell that you have crafted a piece from some good imagination Ha that was fun, i could sit here and play this all day, nice looking table deign and even better looking cards, the game ran smooth and i was pleased, nice job


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