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This was something nice here and have to say it was a nice car controls are notbad but the hit target of the walls were too tight, But overall a fun game


LOL that was kinda neat, great design on starting set-uo, and the play was good, abit confuesing at first but fun none the less anyways nice submission here but besides all that it was a fun game anyways keep making these because i had a blast with this particular game and keeps you interested regardless it was a pleasure to review


Another fun game with some fun little details and you make it look so easy the extras in this game make it a fun game and theres lots of games on this site but you made a unique one it was a positive experience fun game, not as laggy as some of the others, and good job on changing the backround, it gave it that sci-fi feel to it, ship is kinda small though


This was a positive experience and a fun game that you have created here giving off some fun extras giving the idea of creativity with this game Because its a pretty solid and fun game and i really liked it Hey what was that audio, it was awsome, anyways fun game not laggy, cool graohics, like the flipper and backrounds really cool and fun


A very smooth game here with all sorts of nice visuals and i feel like these kinds of games have some decent replay value and with the extras it makes it an even better game so with all that said i was impressed Ha that wasa cool game, a rather hard one at that, fun but hard in later levels


Ohmy I think you should have called it wheres Tom lol but the singing on this was pretty funny and entertaining, I never did find waldo


ZabuJard responds:

hes tricky to find!

Haha I liked this one and the graphics was not halfbad the pool game itself is rare because I have not seen many pool games but this was ok


Well I like all the little characters cards and other stuff but at the end of the day there really was not a lot to do with this it was amusing though


The sprite cans are just too much to distract me lol, No but the level at start with big spikes was a bit tough, It was an entertaining game though


ZabuJard responds:

its a realy hard game

I thaught a baby was gonna pop out lol, No but really the Big eye thats your profile pic wish it did more more damage and more kill options


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