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Ha well don't know how many of these i have seen over the years, but I guess they come in all shapes and forms, still kind of fun, but also still laggy, I think its cause there are so many ships on one scene, fun game, keep on flashing


Realistic cool game When there is so much of these out there once in awhile comes another fun and unique game like this With some nice style and flavor and of course you make it unique Its what i come to look forward to in these types of games and you have made a really nice one Ya that was cool, very realistic the real games, and great job on the light effects, these games seem to be very laggy though, but it was fun, maybe a better instructions for us dumb ones


Fun game some nifty imagination here and that is where the best ideas come from but anyways lets get this started Well i had fun with this game, the ship is hard to control but was still fun, i like the idea of rockets, and the city was cool looking, nice work you did ok on it.


Oh dang the toilet lol and some poops I think you could have put in some even more scay poop on this, some nice music on this its a fun elements and fun game


Well this was an interesting game here some fun visuals and even fancy effects here, Would love even more boss's on this one the game is fun and love all the medals on this one makes for a fun game here, But anyways I had some fun with this game


Now this was a better vine jump game then the other one these are fun and remind me of my arari days lol, No but really these are pretty fun needs medals


Well she got all bandaged up lol didnt look much better but guess thats how it goes, Would be good to have some surgery tools etc, But anyways fun one here


Oh this was fun and interesting trying to hang on to the vines too, Nice backround could use some animation in the backround too, But anyways fun game


The strategy style of the game itself is pretty nice there are some bugs and gliches like with the mouse arrow and such but overall its a fun little game here, I think even more content and more interactivity for this game would have been interesting


Well this was an interesting game you have here the numbers are nice and the medal was great I think you could even add on some more medals and acievments here and make for a fun game here its already fun but it would be nice with even more medals and such


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