
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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A kill game

These kill types of games are always fun, this was an old classic and you added all the right stuff in this one, Once again we have another decent game here theres not alot I can say to improve on this but there are some things that could be cleaned up, anyways nice kill game



Hehehe that was not what i was expecting, it was very fast though, kinda neat though, just needs some more detail My Initial thoughts were not great but then thought this had some more positive then the negitive, it was something that the graphics can be improved on


Nice game type

The stop motion features and elements are nice wish there was more of that, I found this to be a strange game but still pretty entertaining it was unique in its own right, No lackluster areas of this one but there are some points that could be improved like more backround and more random elements


Sweet game

ok now that had tons of style and flavor, heheh great idea, an overall great idea, great art, great gameplay, almost perfect in my book, hehe and my book is tough, I got a positive experience from this one you have shown us this great piece sofar, a fun element of a game



I do like the stick fig element but some added graphics improvments would be a plus ok well not bad, was decent, playcontrol was decent, it went by abit to fast but still good game, keep up the decent work, besides all that this was a fun game


A fun clicker

These clicker type of games are always fun im sure I missed some stuff but it wa simple and fun, I got a positive experience from this one you have shown us this great piece sofar, but anyways it was a simple yet entertaining game here so nice job


Fun game

I like the fun and colorful activity on this game, I like the effort and the detail and you bring a sense of passion along with the nice talent, I had some fun with it You have some good insight on how to make these things come alive so props to you on this game great use of color and interactivity in this game


ShibeyFaceGames responds:

Thanks so much for playing, and taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it!

Very tricky game

first of all I like the effort and the detail I found this to be groovy and even somewhat swanky But the most I would call this would have to be spectacular, Its unique in the way you play it and its just a spectacular game, I liked it so nice game here keep making more


Nice point and click

This here was a nice point and click game the medals are nice too I have reviewed somany of these kinds of games from the worst to some average ones to the best ones out there And this entry would be right up there, its not perfect but its notbad either its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one keep up the good work, fun point and click here


Fun platformer

I nice platformer and something different with the heavy sword but it was a nifty strategy element This game entry is Loaded with delightfull stuff as for this game it was a nifty lil game and I was pretty happy with the gameplay I was glad to have tried some things out, There is not much bordem from this game or other stuff about this entry you have engineered something pretty nifty, A unique platformer here was very nice of a game


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