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Short one lol this was short, but kinda funny, the graphics could usesome work though, like the characters they seemed abit plain besids that it was notbad Some facial features, on the characters would be nice


Nice game here really was something different The graphics on this game is nice the adverts that are there are ok not too much of an issue but this game has some potential and could even use some added bennifits but overall a fun game here


Pixel is pretty nice in this nicely made game you gave it some really nice controls and the graphics of course come out nice A fun pixel style game here with all the pixel on this you make it look good and make it look fun infact this pixel related game was fun some pixel design and that's what I call some fun thinking and creating a very nice game and that's my take in this fun game


Notbad lol this was notbad and it was kinda fun, thesound/FX could have been slightly louder though, and maybe have the revolver gun with some color, besides that it was entertaining and a fun little game.


interesting this was interesting, i saw this once the same game i think, but its funny with the face expressions and there was lots of different buttons and such, good graphics aswell. Maybe add a few different people inthere aswell as some new characters


this was interesting this was interesting bait confusing at first but still was interesting, lots of different options and it was sorta funny, i also like the layout and such, but other then that it was ok maybe ad on more visuals to this one


Nice grid game here its very tricky but guess thats why its a puzzle game lol, What an interesting game you have created here nice and creative and it's what we can change to make it better in my opinion you really made this a fun game, It was confusing at first but soon got the hang of the sliders and making the grid work, once again but anyways I enjoyed this game for what it is so nice entry your game was very creative, Overall a fun and tricky grid game was interesting for sure


mwn02 responds:

ty :)

Some nice weapons you give this game and through 12 Campaigns this can get pretty deep so nice systems and levels on ths game, The game brings on a nice story with some original characters and ideas you really pushed the limmits with this one so nice game


Pure passion You bring pure passion to this game and with all the pixel on this you make it look good The platformer is nice the graphics with pixel is intense and good game controls and you make it look fun infact this pixel related game was fun and a good playthrough the pixel really does put a different spin on it and that's what I liked on this game here so nice one


Notbad of a game here its an interesting racing game some of the cars have jet engines lol as for the music I would suggest adding on a mixture of different music just so its not so repettitive, the art and graphics was pretty nice though, I found this game to be fun regardless


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