
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

266 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Very fun

I thought this game was very fun can be addictive kind of reminds me of the old classic dig dug lol, finding all the gems does take time, So my Initial response to this is its a decent start its interesting and I like what you got here I didnt find any boring parts So just wanted to throw that out there and keep bringing creative worlds alive very entertaining and some good fun to it, For sure you should think about adding more medals and even deeper medals.


Nice one

The animations and even Atmosphere was pretty good in this one I love the whole point and click style here At first this one seemed cluttered but then it wasnt it was all so Spectacular I even had a chuckle or two out of it all and I guess thats the idea, but as a point and click game you really made it fun and entertaining so nice job indeed on this entertaining game.



So this was another nice point and click game here the soundFX and graphics are soothing simple yet complex the gameplay was even better So ultimately I was not even looking for anything special today just some random portal entries but thats before I came across yours it was a nice game and had fun hard at first but gets better as you play through so nice point and click



Um ok well, that was just odd and i thaught this last review was abit funny, think i fell off my chair on that one some added levels on this would be a plus maybe even adding in some medal options, but overall it was entertaining of a lil game


Entertaining game

Ok well it was abit funny, was thinking this was gonna blast my ears or somthing, This game entry is Loaded with delightfull stuff as for this game it was a nifty lil game and I was pretty happy with the gameplay not bad though amke more soon



A fun game was very funny too You are very capable of making some good things as you have done so here I got some good fun play out of this it was pretty entertaining and glad I had the chance to check this out, I ran into some interesting things and some unique stuff found some fun gameplay here, I like the visuals was pretty entertaining


Fun game

Um what was this am still confused and thinking what did i just see, Hehehe anyways didnt like looking at crap, maybe better luck next time I ran into some interesting things and some unique stuff found some fun gameplay here, but overall it was entertaining


Cool game

Ok well that was kinda different, but like the last reviewer said, well not really but, but my thaughts on it is we need more story like, I didnt find any boring parts So just wanted to throw that out there funny artistic stuff, ohwell it was fun



Well dont know if i like the idea, but it was entertaining, not a bad looking clown, except for that thing on his head, it was funny though, besides that you have a decent little game here and was pretty nifty.



This was something unique and different love the controls on this and the sound F/X was nice So I found this entery to be alot of things but mostly it was interesting it kept me wanting to see what else you had in store but I can see with this kind of stuff you have me hooked and even wanting more, So its a very acceptable game entry and I look forward to more work from that mind of yours, fun game play with this one


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