
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice and fast

hehe this game was nice and fun, level easy was nothing much cause nobody never ever gets a point on eachother though, graphics are very nice, love all the gameplay, an overall great and fun game


Cool trivia game

You have a cool trivia game here and even simpsons related was another plus here ok this is not bad since the simpsons are cool, just one thing, the red text was kinda small, maybe abit bigger, still a cool game you should make more of these types


Could use some work

Could use some improved graphics and gameplay kinda funny, but still abit confusing, and also abit slow, but still a great idea, it was abit fun, great job I was pretty impressed but anyways nice job on this game theres not much else to say other then I have enjoyed this game


Fun dress up

Well I have to say this was a fun lil dress up here especially with pico the medals are a nice touch, you have shown us this great piece sofar You already have a professional touch on this one so with a few extras, but besides all that you made it fun and entertaining


Fun game indeed

I have climbed through the intense caverns and have to say that was the fun part of the game, I didnt see much that it was lacking but it was pretty amusing and pretty entertaining and I had some fun with it, The game effects like lighting are very nice the anchor is a nifty and needed tool, you gave it some unique gameplay its like a platformer but with some intense effects


I like it

Nice pico element of a game some nifty graphics too some added medals would be a plus on this game You have established something really interesting here among other things I found this to be groovy and even somewhat swanky But the most I would call this would have to be spectacular and unique, so you have a pretty good loaded game here I also realized that I cant wait to see more of your work soon some added medals would be a plus on this game


Nice game here

I like the art and graphics on this well i have seen a few like this, they are good, but they need more detail and maybe if you could walk down some places might make it better, but overall it was fun and love how you did the art and graphics so nice work



well not bad, seen afew of thease type with the whole border kind, So before I get started here Let me elaborate some things first of all I like the effort and the detail and you bring a sense of passion along with the nice talent The idea that you push across the board here so all that was a divine and positive way and i liked that You have processed a good game here this one is ok not bad, that car can take alot of dmg though, still kinda fun I liked it



The dance thing really is coming into newgrounds alot more, they get better aswell, You have engineered something good here As a start of this I was pretty impressed and hope it continues great job on this one, its decent work and overall a fun game



A nice game here something different then normally played and seen, Well not bad, dont know if its stolen or not, but its a nice sound board, one of the better drums around newgrounds, anyways not bad, I love the idea could be improved with some added effects


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