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ok not bad, loved the artwork and the music was just perfect for the mood, and just loved killing sticks, it got boring after a few rounds though, so maybe that's something you could spice up with new areas or levels


The game of pong

Very good pong version here Well here we are with another game of pong and while it is a classic you have shown a nice version of the game of pong and showcased some really nice details while keeping the old classic alive, but most of all I have had some fun with this particular pong game and version, and while some may think this game is stale I found it to be pretty fun so nice game of pong here.



Great game for a school thing Yes indeed its another pong allthough we have seen lots of these kinds of games come through the portal a dime a dozen back in the day, But I like the version you have created and bringing in some nifty elements and details that makes it slightly different not much we can do to change it up, But I do enjoy what you have created here in this pong version so nice game indeed.



LOL ok that was kinda suprising, hehe only one eye worked should have made a few more options though, anyways i liked it, but just needs more pokes lol A fun game here The fun level kind of jumps out of it after abit so you do see the entertaining points and that makes it even more exciting but from what I did play it was kinda fun anyways nice game here


Nice one

got a score of 8 but think ill go back and play some more, just like all the worm games, still abit fun, I got a positive feel from this game so props to you for a decent submission heheh ohwell I had some fun on this particular game so nice job indeed.


Nice game

love this type of game, from a starting point this was actually notbad of a start on this submission I thought it was weird But I also found myself enjoying this entry as much as the next guy and to have it on flash is very cool, did a very good job on this one, needs some story though, but still a good game


Pong at its best

Paddle ball I guess you could say that this very well could be one of the better pong games with a style all on its own, and unique in its own pong element lol, but you bring the old classic and make it new so from old to new with a few extra twists of magic and thats what I have enjoyed on this old game of pong, but anyways nice game and hope to see more games like this come though the portal.



ok that wasnt bad, like the music it was nice to see music in a dress up, loved building the bots, should make another like this, This is groovy and spectacular you gave a positive light on this there was not much unnecessarily negitive points either keep up the good work I look forward to even more


Pong time

Interesting game could use some added options and some improved visual details Well its that time again when we come across another pong game its still a fun game so dont get me wrong I have really enjoyed your style of the pong game even though we have seen lots of these this was still one of my more favorite versions of pong so props to you for the extra effort on this pong game, and at the end of the day I had a fun experience on this game.



I suggest dont let the game start in the middle move it around We have seen lots of these this was still one of my more favorite versions of pong so props to you for the extra effort, I have enjoyed on this old game of pong, but anyways nice game and hope to see more games like this come though the portal I have had some fun with this particular pong game and version, indeed its another pong allthough we have seen lots of these kinds of games come through the portal


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