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Very nice game

I especially love the tutorial at the start of this game, its a fun lil platformer and cute with the graphics, I am interested in these styles of game-works and I like what you made for us here today while not perfect it still brings a sense of fun and entertainment, so you have done well in my books You have a swanky game here after seeing and playing with this game I can see that you are capable of and that makes me really interested in this a bit complicaded but a cool lil platformer game here.



well nothing much here, just some nice artwork here moving from side to side, i dont think i would call it a game though, ohwell hope you improve on this, the art is nice though hope to see more sometime


ok well it seemed that easy level had direct hits ohwell guess ill give the hard level a try, fun game though I like what you made for us here today while not perfect it still brings a sense of fun and entertainment maybe some harder levels of some sort


Nice death

this was a very odd game, well infact i didnt understand one bit of it, it was a very odd and strange thing i just saw kinda like a death of some sort heheh ohwell, I am really enjoying this submission of yours, but anyways as for this game entry was a nifty one and had a blast reviewing this one


Awsome pong

Pong is an interesting game you bring some nice stuff aboard and make it look visually awsome so all that has been a blessing especially for this reviewer and this was a big plus anyways nice work and hope there are more pong games like this one as it was pretty nifty in design but besides that i had fun reviewing this pong game but regardless I found this to be an overall fun game and experience.



its abit slow, but i still like it, loved playing this on snes i think thats the system, but anyways great job, it does need some sound though maybe even adding some music on this would be my suggestion for improving on this one


Nice one here

this was fun at the arcades, this as abit slow, but still fun, great job on this game, plain and simple is what it always was, So unnecessarily I found this game by random choice but I must say it was a pretty good find as it was an entertaining and flashy game, now I still think there could be some more work in other places But in moderation this was really fun great job on this one


Fun pong

Could be improved and have more options A cool pong game you have created here adding some of the simple and adding in your own unique design making this a top notch game even in pong form lol but besides that it is always nice seeing and playing this classic element of pong and you did well. So for me this was a fun pong experience and just overall a fun pong game and hope you make more like this one here.


Cool pong game

PC is good Another fun pong game here while the game of pong is a classic you made it fun and easy and made the experience fun and added your own style to keep the pong theme going strong and thats what you have done here and its games like this even pong that can be simple yet so fun and entertaining anyways a nice classic pong game here and its games like this that make reviewing fun.


Nice game

Good game and seems more on the simple side of things but I still had some fun with this game, ok this wasnt that bad, i liked, it needs some sounds, and sound/FX badly, but other then that it was all good, man i love thease types of games nice work here


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