
11,872 Game Reviews

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This slime game is intense and you really bring out some nice idea, the graphics are intense and you have some nice medal choices controls are nice, So As I start off this review just wanted to say its a good start of a game And now onto more This is groovy and spectacular you gave a positive light on this there was not much unnecessarily negitive points either You have pushed the ideas forward and have come up with something interesting, the graphics are intense and you have some nice medal choices good game here



This was a fun and fast paced game could be longer and even more medals added To start off this review is kind of hard because Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game I found no lackluster points if there are any points that need some work There it was a divine piece of work and I know you are capable of making this work to even in a professional manner wich its pretty much there a nice interactivity in this game too



omg very cool and interesting fun game, i wasnt able to put down the shot, to grab another, like the artwork though, needs some sound too, anyways make a new version, interesting game works you do have here You have established a good game entry here it was nifty


Simple and fun

ok well looks like you just made it thru, here was something good from the portal it was a pretty good start to a game entry so I do look forward to what else you can do with this haha dont know how but you did just make it but it was simple and fun


very cool

now that had style, great stuff, I wouldnt mind seeing more though but keep up the decent efforts You have a divine piece of work here damn too bad it was only a test, great work, just gotta love the monkey, keep up the great work anyways good lil game here



ool game but the fact that its a demo is tacky, still though it had some style, i liked it, was very choppy though, keep up the blamming it was spectacular and I didnt find much lackluster areas maybe one or two but that could easily be worked on fun blamming game


Tricky game

This game had a lot going on the music at the start was very nice, I guess I will start off by saying that This was kind of nifty work you have here Its always hard to start off a submission like this one but I guess ill start off with saying this was actually a nifty piece of game, it was something differant and you added some nice elements that made me really enjoy this game entry, this game was different and hard at first but was nice, has some nice effects


well not bad

but hate to tell you this but if you right click and press play everytime it gets it every time, ohwell, it was a good idea and I could see you improving onto this one down the road nice lil quiz game type here



ok i have seen some newer types like this, but thsi one was crazy, if you press all the buttons at once its like a mad farting party in here ahahahaha, anyways great job, and easy on the beans notbad of a game though


Fun game

I wouldnt mind seeing more though but keep up the decent efforts You have a divine piece of work here it was something differant and you added some nice elements that made me really enjoy this game Theres a lot of nifty stuff about this game I found no lackluster points


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