
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice game

Well notbad, there was very little sounds but the sounds were very low in sound quality, i do like how you had some animated backround which alot of people dont do, but anyways nice soundboard but needs more Add more sounds, amybe some clips from the flash aswell Notbad it was entertaining but could be abit better improved



Now here was something interesting not the best of choices but it was interesting and kinda nifty there is more room for some extra improvment on this just some small added extras This was fun, kinda like a real simulater, allthough you should hive the user the option of being bale to fly and manuver through the sky and all, but for the mostpart it was fun Better flying options A starting flying simulator


Decent work

It was neat i like the 3d feel it has like the red truck, also you gave it some nice view shots and all and good job using the full screen with good color use and all, very neat flash indeed, nice job Make it longer, and make more episodes to it, it was neat stuff A neat flash with some cool backrounds, and neat car/truck...


Fun game

Hey this was a fun game, it gets really fast, i actually made it past the first level without one hit very fun game, the second level however is abit harder, anyways nice game Add some enemies, and make the ship able to shoot enemies down Fun scroller game getting past the caves was fun


A really nice shooter game and like the art style pixel graphics made for a fun game the controls run smooth and you have some fun enemies in this game, A fun and entertaining game and while you have kept it real this was a very nice game and I was pretty impressed with your version here, That first boss I felt was much harder then had expected though, I also had fun playing the game and reviewing it I had a blast on this game submission good game works here
first boss, A fun shooter game fun and nice features and good mechanics


A nice puzzle game here with the gameplay it was fun the game puzzles are nice, I do like the visual detail and made for an interesting game, you should make it so its easier to replay some past levels and such, The game just needs some added features and polish


Cool game I have to say these are pretty nice and the visual graphics of the game is nice the point and click is always nice and the walkthroughs are nice too overall a fun point and click game here and you have some nice skills even with the animations


Well notbad with this strawberry clock game and with some tricky mazes and such some fun interactivity and figuring out the different mazes the art style was simple but the game was actually pretty fun and very interesting so nice little game here keep it up


Concept of this game is pretty decent with some fun element the graphics are really nice And then there was a developing story elements that does keep you interested and that was nice, you have created here a nice vibe about it too with a nice so nice game here and nice style


Good game and mostly its pretty easy seems like that level twenty six was a real togh one though, Some great times for fun games Now here we are another game and I found this particular game pretty fun gameplay wise was pretty decent, The early levels like 7 and up is the learning curve for those later levels, Overall was still pretty fun the idea of the game is always a must to be good and you made it work well, But have to say overall this was a pretty fun game here


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