
11,872 Game Reviews

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very cool game

i love this, my ending score was somthing like 360, the playcontroll was almost perfect, wouldnt mind driving more on into some city and destry buildings or somthing, any how keep the good gameing up

Cool game

cool game, looks almost perfect, colorscame out good, the ball bounced just at the right moment, it was an overall good game, I found no lackluster points if there are any points that need some work There it was a divine piece of work and I know you are capable of making this work to even in a professional manner keep up the good efforts


Nice one

These tuts are nice could be improved though, ok well not bad, thease tutorials are allways usefull, but this one was abit odd and the ending was abit funny hehe, but really, good job You have done something nifty here with this game it has some good entertaining value and some nice things to do and see so I was pretty impressed


Nice tutorial

Really love any tutorials caue i allways need better ways to get better and make better flash's cool tutorial, Everything in this has processed very well and effectively it was acceptable no I take that back infact it was spectacular and I didnt find much lackluster areas great job


Decent game

ok that was kinda neat, didnt know how powerfull a cd was, is aol that strong hehehhe J/K really it was fun I found this game by random choice but I must say it was a pretty good find as it was an entertaining and flashy game, overall a fun and decent game



Notbad at all I like the version you have created and bringing in some nifty elements and details that makes it slightly different, some really nice details while keeping the old classic alive unique in its own pong element lol, but you bring the old classic and make it new, its that time again when we come across another pong game its still a fun game so dont get me wrong I have really enjoyed your style.


Its some pong

The game mechanics could be better as do the visuals of it all Nice stuff aboard and make it look visually awsome so all that has been a blessing especially for this reviewer I do enjoy what you have created here in this pong version so nice game indeed, here we are with another game of pong and while it is a classic you have shown a nice version of the game, you could say that this very well could be one of the better pong games with a style all on its own



anyplace to download, ohwell this was one of the best i have seen, even better then pogo, had a hole in one on Hole 3, anyways great game, So As I start off this review just wanted to say its a good start of a game And now onto more This is groovy and spectacular you gave a positive light on this keep it up it was decent


love the graphics

the graphics was the best part, that i have seen in the movie, the music was great aswell, and the story is good aswell, and just gotta love the buttons, keep up the good work, Its always hard to start off a submission like this one but I guess ill start off with saying this was actually a nifty piece of game i like it



not bad but didnt understand it, maybe cause its somthing you could ad in some more content and such, so you have done well in my books You have a swanky game here after seeing and playing with this game I can see that you are capable of, its a fun lil game


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