
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was fun and some high energy too some good style of a game and fun sounds etc, A good fun game, overall its a fresh fun game anyways Keep up the good work, Love the fresh colors and graphics too


Needs more

Hmmm well me as a fan of the SNL skit and the movies i liked it but it was very sloppy put together, more ffort is needed, and not just that but you need more dtail and a fresher look to it, the buttons were very bland, notbad though make the soundboard somewhat your own, maybe adding something different then all those other soundboards and stuff, say like add a little clip from the topic matter of your board with each button, it would be different from the other boards and give yours abit more style to it Make some better buttons say like something with good color, flashy, and animated, something that makes the whole screen have a good look



Now i am a fan of these games, and i must say you did an outstanding job, especialy with detail and shades, wish there was some animated props though, good dress-up, i had fun with it. Make some props that are animated



This was fun, i love slots and it has a nice fresh look to it, not like some of the cheesy slot machines i have seen, and the game plays well no lag very nice work on this one, keep up the good work



It was interesting but not everyone likes this, maybe thats why the score is the way it is, it is entertaining, and kinda neat with the different options, i just think people come here to see flash movies and such, some nice effort though


I like it

So this was fun first off the game was nice the music was really good and once you get into it, it gets better graphics is nice and controls run smooth, the concept is nice, I was glad with the outcome of this game anyways good game here it was fun



So this game is notbad the jokes and humor in this is pretty nice actually, The music is notbad but could have some better versions, The WTF experience is reall and this was notbad and comical so nice game here


Snake / Worm

So this was notbad of a Snake / Worm type of game i like the pixel graphics on this, Some added effects and colors would be a plus for this game maybe even some music choices, but overall a fun lil game here


Notbad here

Figuring out how to get the boy off the cair was different but soon figured it out, Understanding the game and its goals are imprortant lol, Nice backround work and the art and graphics was good, game just takes some time to understand but overall its fun


Nifty Idea

Haaha well it was a different sorta idea, and the top view was cool, im not sure but there was no sound/FX anyways good game i liked the shooting as it was also paper lol, anyways neat game, you should make more versions of it.


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