
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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It was fun

This was fun, you really should work on the artwork though it was very bland and very little detail, as for the game itself it was fun kinda reminds me of my own ghost motel game, anyways better luck next time. Work on the graphics more detail most of all



Some nice acton scripting was used, love the "bouncing springs and as for the game itself fun with a neat set-up aswell, could use more enemies. More enemies and more backround animation going on



Well it was funny ill give you that, but lacked in detail, and better presentation would have been nice, like a more sleek look to it, as for the game it was funny, just needs more time and effort


Cool game

The game was fun just one of the basic ones, but the controls on this one were very laggy and didnt respond well, abit choppy if you ask me, the graphics were abit low quality aswell, the scripting was good but you need to work on other areas aswell Better and smoother controls that dont lag, and better detail within the graphics



This game was both fun and hard at the same time I do think you need to ad much more medals on this one though, only 3 medals didnt seem like much, a fun game indeed. but does need some easy mode options lol anyways you have a fun game here and I like it.


Nice game

So this was a good shooter type the art and graphics seem like they could be improved the medals are nice and overall its a fun game, just needs a bit more to keep people enticed anyways nice game


Nice Game

So the idea of getting toilet paper and using the bathroom was interesting the graphics are pretty decent though it has a mario like feel with the platformer, some added flashy effects wouldnt hurt like when getting toilet paper or something, What to say what to say, I guess I will start this review off, by saying good effort and some good amount of detail, I do like this game type and game style, Now its not perfect but has some decent potential, but does need some more of your effort and attention, But I will explain some more on that through-out the review, anyways lets get this started.


Very nice

So this was different and unique a nice style of game here I like that you added on some different endings wish there was more of those and even more medals too, nice art style too and just a fun and refreshing game here



Wow I have to say that was pretty nice with all the art and the medals was a nice little touch on this too the medals were not hard at all and the art was amazing so really nice game here with all the interactivity so with that said I dont think any changes are needed with this fine game of yours



This was a cool game you have some good ideas for this game but have to say it was fun and entertaining, the upgrade system was nice and gives a good power curve, a fun lil game here that you have created


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