
11,872 Game Reviews

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The game was fun, i had lots of fun with it, very entertaining, allthugh i wish the graphics were abit better with some sharper and deeper colors, you may want to add more effects like when something big happens, nice job though More flashy effect



This was a good game driving the car or van and the old style grand theft auto style A nice game entry here with it being something different and all it was fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the theme of it all, Grapics are very sleek and refreshing very nice visuals that's what I liked about this particular game but regardless I had fun with it it was fresh and different, The interface with the chat was nice a nice game indeed


Good one

So this here bird trapper was a good one the graphics alone are very good I like the style of this game a good vibe here Well a good ol game and you can't go wrong with that the game type is a blast to play, The gamestyle was smooth controls work as intended and mechanics are good, You bring this wonderfulgame a live with a style all on its own it is fun and unique and you show off some nice game skills, I found this game to be pretty fun and entertaining


Cool blocks

A good block game here with some very tricky moves love the color theme here, A fun and entertaining game here making it look easy and making the visuals of the gameplay pop off so well and for that alone I am impressed so with this one, The block moves can get harder with high levels as expected still a fun element, you can't go wrong with some good gaming like you have created here so keep that style up, Nice block game here good skill based style


Nifty game

The game was actually fun, and with the music it made it much better very addictive and entertaining, abit basic but very fun, nice game, hope to see more of your work sometime


Nice tutorial

Nice tutorial here, its abit different from other ones and a good one me thinks, but you should have added more then just the glow stuff, anyways good tut, keep up the good work. There was only one tutorial on this, I would suggest to improve on the flash tutorial you could add multiple tutorials and put them all on one flash instead of just the one or even two, but having alot in one flash would make it more helpful as its all there for the user to learn from



Huh??? ok well iit seemed more like a test then anything else, it was cute and funny, and you could have made a backround for it but it was just too simple, maybe good for time wasting but thats about it



ts fun but this script has been used a few tomany times on here i think, its a great script just over used, might want to think of new ideas and such but overall I did have some fun with this game here



The game was notbad was kind of long, some good voices and some nice graphics in this game, I really enjoyed this game submission and all that you have presented some nice gameplay actions in this little game nice work indeed



I love a good point and click and this was pretty good, It was a nice game and some cute elements about it, The graphics could be improved a tad but overall it was a fun game and enjoyed the outcome at the end


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