
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun game

This was fun, but really fast for me, maybe im just not to good at these, but i would suggest more graphics like in the backround for a better effect of it, aswell as a slower version for people like mysel



This was fun, i once did a puzzle game maybe not so neat as this but still ok, anyways fun game and even some neat sound/FX to go with i had fun with the puzzles, i hope you make more a fun game here


Very good

Wow i was impressed with this, it not only was improved from other kinda games like this but had great artwork, and sound/fx, it seemed confusing at first with all the buttons and such but i got the hang of it, anyways nice game.. Maybe just make the screen abit bigger


Cute game

So this was a cute game here especially with all the animated graphics and the christmas element was fun too, control of the character works well, You have something decent here Its a good game pretty nifty infact ultimately it was still a fun game entery and had lots of positive points that I came to enjoy, so overall a fun lil Xmas game here



The game is actaully pretty fun some nice little details on this one I love collecting all the apples and its aplatformers game but with all the reaps and enemies makes for a fun game, Good concept nice graphics, I really enjoyed playing around with this as there was some good vibes, anyways fun game here fun platformer


Very nice

I love this Res Evil / Duke Nukem style here and have to say you did a fantastic job with the 3/D visuals and all the walking around really had a good 3/D effect, I think these games had something unique about them this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive with some added extras, Nice medal achievments was a big plus on this game Nice visuals but you picked a good theme and overall the game itself was pretty fun so nice job, Res Evil / Duke Nukem style was very nice but you added on your style and thats what i liked about this game



Well a robotic snake game this was something different though the controls are tricky but still move pretty well and the music is nice, you ad your own style on this snake like game and the enemies have a good AI great greaphics here too a fun game


Nice dress up

Ha this was a neat idea, the dress-up of legos but done in flash form nice idea there, it seemed to need more items and more animated items aswell, the music was a nice touch, anyways good dress-up, hope to see more from you More props especialy animated ones


Fun game

This was actually fun, a good game the smiles were a good idea, and there was some good music but there was also some static in the audio music, anyways fun game good options with the 2+ up and other neat things



Haha ok this was cute, i had fun with it, it being just a smile face was abit simple, and there was not that many itms to use, but it was fun and entertaining. More props, good and bad, also a moe character like character besides just the smile


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