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The platformer style here with this one is really good and the art style is very imressive artistic here and then you bring on some added puzzle element, so all in all this was a fun game and very creative work here keep at it I look forward to even more


Well notbad with this game here some interesting elements in this one, The bonus pictures on this was rather interesting the whole game itself was nice and ran smooth for the mostpart I liked the vibe and energy here, but anyways a fun little game


A nice brawler type here but this was more enetertaining here you bring on some nice ideas in this one but its also pretty entertainning, Its a fun little game here and I like what you have created it was some fun entertainment


Another good one I really liked the the first one, and this one is even better i love the option of changing what the ball looks like, this version was a bit harder but still just as fun great work on the 3d props and magnets, very cool game once again


The game was fun, i liked it cause the character was easy to control except figuring out the attack, and moving onto new scenes???? the backrounds were really good showd lots of detail and was visualy neat looking, for the backround you could add more animated styff like flickering lights and stuff like that.


This was great it was very artistic like with some of the graphics, but it was also very fun aswell as very inter-active, like the character designs and all very good work there, somewhat addictive at times, and one of the better flashworks if i say so myself.


Interesting skill collect game here with this one, this reviewer loves these types and makes it that much more fun, even these are tricky and different I still found some fun in the games like you have here, but anyways keep up the good work it was entertaining


Well this was an interesting one there could be a lot more medals on this one, for what it is its a nice lil game here but does need more and the controls ran smooth, seems to need much more content and ideas, I love when a plan comes together like this seems like you could even add on more


Well this was notbad its simple fun the idea is ok and could go either way, you have some nice detail and the game is osmething you could play for a bit I didnt like the timer too much, and could use much more medals on this one anyways fun game


Well notbad with this game a pong paddle and more pretty basic and simple with the idea I do think some added visuals would be nice more features and just some extra stuff on this game here, but I liked it and had some fun with this particular game


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