
11,872 Game Reviews

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The game is fun and have to say the art style is pretty nice and the music tops it off too, because you have shown some un-expected things here and that really made it fun and entertaining and that made this a fun game here


I ran out of some ingredients lol no but really this was a fun little game and makes you hungrey but anyways a fun food game here, So as I do finsih off my review day here and with this piece here I was pretty glad to find this one


Your games have always been amazing and with this one you have added an american theme of elements, You have shown great focus on this one and thats something I noticed right from the get-go and kept on going all the way to the end, The puzzles and art style is always unique and different and lots of nice medals, Goes to show that some good stuff can still be made and something differant and unique is still availble but it was a fun game here, fun game tricky at times but very creative


Another fun puzzle game here and you seem to enjoy making these types this one was for sure a good one, The secret one does take a bit of time the sliding puzzles are pretty nice, But anyways this was a good one here


This was a clever game here some really unique challanges etc, The first one was not too hard but it does progress after that with more harder points, But anyways this was pretty good and a fun game here


This game here was pretty intense The element of suprise is always a plus in any game and I must say that you have really pulled off the element of suprise and has a unique design about it, The force of the elements was a nice mechanic too, Its like an arcade type of game very nice work


A really nice game type here this one with some old memories of old NES and SNES style games, Amusing game some decent interactivity and fun to play there was alot to see and it was overall fun so great job all around and fun game, A fun interactivity of this game element and some fun vishals all across the board, So keep up the good work and i look forward to more but anyways decent game I had fun with this game and most of all keep up the fantastic game work, A great game type here I love the SNES elements


A skill toss type of game here makes it a bit fun but you have to work at it just a bit, It is clear that you do have the craftmanship and the knowledge of the game and particulary this game so I was pretty impressed with that alone


Well you have gone and done it again with this fun and entertaining game with some nice use of color and creativity and the puzzle system as always amazing, Here we have the next generation of gameh works but these have some interesting ideas So I do like what is comming out in these kinds of game entries, The style of your games and this particular one are pretty creative, I like what you have brought forward here this was a pretty decent game entry now even with that said there are some stuff on this submission that really made it fun, Another fun and creative game here


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