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Now that was a really fun game the bow and arrow shoots very well and some nice sound FX too, I liked the effort you put forward on this game it shines with the little details for what it is you presented a good game with an entertaining and replay value, The game is very fun and addictive very good medals too, Keep making these games they bring entertainment to all So good luck on anything else you have planned, A good multi directional shooter


A retro game type here but you did a fantastic job on this one the quality of the game is really good, I like the visual challange on this one too, And the medals are pretty nice, anyways good game here keep at it


jupitron responds:

You're awesome!

The puzzle systems on this game are differnt maybe because its in a dream element of the game, The game gets har pretty quick, So we have come across another fine and entertaining game, I like the unique puzzle systems on this one


Fun game Not a bad game at all, the fresh look of it with great use of color and decent backgrounds was great, the characters were cool very life like and appealing, as for the controls not bad at all responded well to my commands, a decent game I had fun with it


Got me Haha ok that was cool, well sort of until the screaming face and all haha, I didnt think people still did that old trick haha, anyways it did get me, I remember doing a trick like that before, anyways not bad.


This was ok, but clearly needs some work, i love anything related to simpsons but this one needs a better design, the play button didn't work infact it wasn't even there, I right clicked to get to the board, anyways the audio was good, could probably use much more sounds and better-looking buttons, nice job though.


This dress-up was ok, showed some good color and detail in the props, even some ok animated ones aswell, it does need more to it to change it into something more of yours, like maybe some music options, or even a sorta backround changer of some sort.


Simple and fun with this game, its one of the types that could have more medals for sure the music was nice and different but still nice, The gameplay was notbad at all, So a nice game here its going pretty good so keep up what you have going


Another fun puzzle game here the puzzle system is nice, I'm enjoying everything and not much finding faults in the game infact it was pretty solid, The interface was really nice with this particular game and some good control of the game itself


Some interesting music you put in this and all the levels seem much but the concept is really good, I don't mind playing games that are difficult the harder a game is the better the more profound the feeling of accomplishment when you succeed of this game anyways nice game


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