
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well that was a cute little clock game was confusing at first but was nice to see the different elements for the game very colorful and the medals are nice, A good clock day game here and look forward to even more anyways nice job


That was a very fun game and have to say the clock games have improved in graphics over the years, So I cant wait to see what else you do come up with because this game submission was pretty nifty this is the kind of game entry that will always make positive waves, Some nice graphics the shooting mechanic was different but still pretty fun, It has everythng and more and you seem to be going in the right direction with this one I like the Impression you have gave on this one, A fun clock game for clock day


A simple and fun game here with this one, The levels could have more to thimk and much more interactivity but overall this was a pretty fun game here, Some decent things about this game like this and that and the game mechanics work good


I really like the idea and concept of this game not much for the movie but still pretty nice of a game, For the movie I feel like it could have even more to it though, anyways keep up the good work it was notbad


Nice job, this was neat and fun, and I must say it was very well-made, the graphics was very good like the detail on the cards great detail, and the gameplay was very fun and didn't lag like most games, very fun game indeed, and nice overall work, hope to see more soon


This was ok, i have seen a few of these, they are ok but not much to them, now maybe if you added more to it like some props sort of like in a dress up and maybe more editing tools and stuff, not bad though it was entertaining.


This is cool, because i actually seen this on the a mod system for phpbb forums, fun game indeed, and does take a few times to get it down but its fun playing it, the pipes could have a better look to them though, anyways not bad, i really enjoyed it


This was one of the more cute puzzle games but I did like the puzzle element of this game with some interesting elements and fun activity, it that had some good interest and I really liked what you presented here, anyways nice game


A simple and fun little platformer the graphics are nice the character is cute, You must have some good programming because this has some good Buzz about it and has some remarkable elements about it and such, The controls or what to do took a bit but still found it all about, Overall I like what you had and this was a good start of a game and I found it amusing its a fun game here that you have created, A fun lil game I like the simpleness of it all cute character too


This was pretty nice the game is simple and fun, I would suggest adding in some more weapon types and such more mix of different styles, but honestly this was a fun game here, Alright so nice job here this had some good interest about it and it had a simplicity about that is nice


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