Very awsome
Now this was an awsome game, now atfirst i was confused and stuck, but as i get more into the game it gets interesting especially once you get the {OPTICS} it was all blurry which was ok but just a fun game you have here, and props on the {MUSIC} it was how you say {WOW} so awsome job there, another thing i like about this is how the camera screens change differant views really nice touch there, The game is pretty straight forward, the medal option is neat but you should have more then just the few you do have, its a really addictive game if you ask me, and would be even more loved with more medal options, Another cute thing about this game was the little sound/fx you gave it so nice job there, now in a nutshell this was a little cute game but as said could use some more medals the music was perfect for it but was almost sad as with the story, anyways great game.
add more medals, more cute sound/fx would be nice.