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Lots of action

Lots of action in this one, i really like how you put some decent action that really made it come tjrough alolt, and lots to see i really liked that, the graphics were ok but seemed fitting for when it was made, but anyways good work here, hope to see more of your work soon but as for this one you did a pretty good job. keep it up.

Maybe make a land version like when you get out of the ship or something that might be something neat

lots of action in this one


That was nifty

A nifty game with the computer and all, but the backrounds could use more detail, also more options wouldnt hurt, more like computer looking stuff so it has a more realistic feel to it and all, an idea there, so try and improve on this with more stuff that you would normally see, anyways good luck.

more reslistic looking computer stuff

An entertaining gadget like thing


Enetrtaining design

Hmm now not sure if it was me but did this have {SOUND} you could ad some sound/fx and or even some music to it, it will brighten it up byfar, and that would be a step in the right direction, and its something to tryout, and i say that since you do know of the {AUDIO-PORTAL} just another thing to think about, All the differant designs and patterens was a neat thing and i wanted to see more of that, lots of differant combonations, im not all that into math but this was really fantastic. But other then that it was really impressive.

You can improve by adding more combinations and differant layouts and such

decent designs in this one


Fun game indeed

Now this was an interesting game, it had alot of {ELEMENTS} that made me enjoy it including being able to ho alot of places just about anywhere, so nice job there, It was also a {SIMPLISTIC} game and thats another great thing that made me enjoy this abit more, so once again nice job there, Also like how you can get a decent too high ranking in this, making it more fun that way, now as for improving on such a fantastic game, maybe add more {ENHANCED} graphics aswell as adding some nice {EFFECTS} it would only improve on things and these are just an idea or two to tryout to make it even better then what it is, but anyways i hope those few ideas do help to improve on this fantastic game, and i do hope to see more of this and improved versions aswell, anyways nice job and nice fun game you have here

I would like to see some improvments in some enhanced graphics and effects something that will bring it out abit more

Fun game good variaty of stuff to do and also its a fun one


Fun and pleasent game

Nice game here, this one was very "CREATIVE" great idea with this one, Not hard at all either it was simple to see and how to play aswell, just a good overall game, nice idea and fun, The game it self was not hard either, pretty easy, so with that maybe you should make some harder elements to it, The "GRAPHICS" were pretty impressive, very sharp and visually really nice, i thought they could have more of a crystal effect some shines here and there would be great, just an idea there or two to spice the game up visually and stuff, but here was still a nice game and i had fun playing it, The music was notbad either, i thought you should have had a variaty of music choices, just to give it that feel that there is variaty, and not just the same old thing, but anyways, a good game, i hope the few ideas i have explained here will help to improve on this, anyways good job on a fun game.

maybe you should make some harder elements to it, it was abit too easy to complete, The gems could have more of a crystal effect some shines here and there, they were ok, but just needs abit more touch up,

A fun and simple game.


Nice game

A good game you have made, I like always killing those things hehe, wish the game was more in depth and had much more to kill, maybe add more bad things/enemies to demolish and kill, thats something everyone likes doing and just abit more of that would improve on this game that much more, Also the shooting seemed abit glichi, so thats something to look into maybe too much graphics detail there not sure.

Make the shooting smoother, and make more enemies. more enemies of all sorts and all.

a fun game could use a fix or two and more stuff to kill but overall i found enjoyment in this game.


This was cool

Well this was neat, i liked it, but the humor was so-so, i would sugest adding more humor to it. more jokes or some odd and random things happing somehow, just give it that funny and much more entertaining factor that will allow more fans to enjoy this on a much more funnier level, anyways good luck on any updates and or new versions.

needs work on the humor more jokes and such

it was amusing but still needs more humor.


Decent could be better though.

Ok so this had some dark music behind it, not too dark but thats what it sounded like from the menu screen, now here is where i like to take abit of time and comment on your menu effort here you had, now with this one the flash and the menu were pretty much the same with the whole "BLACK" backround, and white text, thats not bad at all, but i wouldnt mind seeing some more "COLOR" something that will really bringout the content and design of it all, and sometimes these types of tutorials tend to be just plain straigh forward, the music helps, but you wanna try and make it differant from the normal tutorial, and color and more of a fresh look, might be that way, as for the tutorial itself its pretty neat and basic, i would think about adding more stuff not just the few ones you had, so, adding a more fresh look with color, and even some more ideas like more game stuff, maybe even add stuff that may not have been used before even if thats a hard one to do, anyways just a few ideas, but for the most part i liked this, especially the music, anyways keep up the good flash making.

I mentiond a couple of ideas, as this seemed too dark and needed more color and a more fresh look to it, also more ideas on tutorials would also be key to improving.

a decent tutorial.


Fresh, simple and, fun

Well first off i would like to say that the menu screen was prettty awsome with lots of color shapes and design it caught my attention so props to the artist, even the animation in the backround was neat, an idea might to have those "ORBS" spinning or bouncing off the walls or something just an idea though, and as for the "MUSIC" that was pretty awsome aswell, really catchy and amusing seems very fitting for the flash, the one thing that bothered me throughout this was that the filesize was just a tad big, not an issue for my machine but im sure large files like this do give other users a more slower loading time, just something to think about when making these kinda large files, now this is a pretty simple and fun game so instructions arnt really needed, i would suggest, adding some just because its a nice feature to have i did find myself when first playing this making the "SQUARE" run into the orb lol at first the red then the green lol, but like i said not needed but might be nice to have, But i do have to say that the "CODING" on this seemed pretty good, no gliches at all and ran pretty smooth so i did like this, and had lots of fun on top of that, so nice game here, fresh and fun.

Possibly add an "INSTRUCTION" section, not really needed but it would be a nice liitle feature,

A fun and fresh game, very simple but still fun


TheSongSalad responds:

Thanks for the review man, it's really appreciated.

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