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Its decent

Ok so thought i would see what this was all about, my first points are that its a pretty big "FILE" size that might be something to work on, now im thinking you packed alot of stuff in thats why for the large file size, but anyways, ok so, as i look through all the options, they are notbad, i thought you could have used abit more, but seems like you have put fourth alot of work with this so yes there is some good effort used, and the design of it seems awsome, maybe its abit too "CRAMPED" though, spreading stuff out more might help on this though, i like alot of the features like the scrolling of all the nedals, and info on how to imput medals and so on, so this was some good bit of info on medals which was probably needed and very usefull, so props to you on a good flash here, i enjoyed it, now to improve on this, not sure, but like i said before everything looks abit cramped, and could be spreadout abit more, just an idea thouogh, i would like to see other versions maybe something thats not so graphics enhanced, its a good flash though, so keep up the decent work.

A few things like, not so cramped style, and maybe even some other version thats not so graphics enhanced, just a few thoughts thoough

good info, almost like a tutorial


EventHorizon responds:

you're right about "file size" also because I completely forgot to compress this flash, I am glad you liked it and thank you for your advice and your vote!

another fun game here

Aww ok so i saw this one earlie and finally have a chance to review it, but anyways the Flash starts off pretty good, and im still enjoying the mixture of real people and the mix in there of art and animation, once again it gives it something unique as its not always seen, also nice job on adding the "SKIP" button that was pretty neat, one thing i think this could use, and i may or may not have mentioned this in past movies/games of yours, but it could possibly use some "SUBTITLES" not that it was bad sounding or anything just seems like a nice feature to have, gives the game abit more too it, Now there is an old trick to these types of games in "FLASH" it basicly allows the user playing the game to cheat, ill mention it later as to not spoil it for other viewers, but its a certain key, there is a way to lock this option up so users dont have that option to cheat in the game, but anyways i like the buttons alot better then in other games, But i must say this was a nifty little game you all have here, its fun and has somewhat of an entertaining value, it would be nice to ad some other fun features maybe some sorta "MINI-GAME" option or something for like bonus. anyways great game keep up the good work.

Well as mentions, a mini game would be nice, and also try and lock the "TAB" key in the action-scripting so people cant just cheat through it fast, other then that it was a fun game

So overall a fun game in the series, could use some fixes, and extra stuff for a more entertaining value of the game


Fro responds:

Dude the whole game was like 5 mini games lol

Fresh and simple game

Ok so first off, you do have a cute little game here, i like how this game starts off with some good fonts a in the title, and just some overall good graphics, simple yet refreshing with the graphics, The game is actually a pretty cute and layed back game, funny stuff to see, and once again nice job on the fresh and simple graphics, the game at times felt glichy, like i didnt like not seeing the "CURSUR" at times, i much rather being able to click on buttons such as the start button and other times it happened, the game play was also simple which i liked you didnt have us doing lots of crazy things like some games do but just had a few good things, and just let it play off like that, now i would suggest to make it so i can click on buttons with cursur but that might just be my own personal opinion and choice, but you did have a cute game here and hope to see more soon.anyways great game.

have the cursur be shown throughout the entire flash when doing stuff, could have just been the onetime i played but seemed to paus up sometimes not the cursur moving off the viewscreen but just pausing to me i think its the same issue of the no cursur at times just a thought.

Fun cute and fresh game, i had fun with this


kcnh responds:

Thank you for your review, I'll be sure to look into click menus for the next game.

fun time waster

This was a fun timewaster, its funny at first when it started i thought it was just a movie looping or something then soon realised it was not, as i understood the controlls, it was pretty funny and crazy, the code on this is pretty neat, the controlls of dragging this character were pretty smooth, and the "BLOOD" splatter was neat, im thinking it could be better like make the blood "SPLATTER" and stain parts of walls and rocks and such, also add more color in the backround with abit more detail on the walls and rocks, also there should be a way to switch off into other scenes so one doesnt get bored in the same one, but other then that it was a pretty fun game

well i think it could be better maybe with a scene or backround changer, and more detail in the walls and rocks, and i also mentioned a possiblity of having the blood stain on the grounds and walls

fun and simple game


wow crazy

wow this was pretty crazy of a game, i liked it though, there are lots you can do with this, i can see other versions but as for this one, i would start off with some color back there some more options like platforms and such, to really give it that edge that puts it apart from the rest, but with abit of color and more effect features like when you do back flips would be a nice start

add some effects like when you do some back flips, also the backround needs some color to it

Fun game here with lots to do


grapics are good

Great game here awsome color and fresh looking artwork, now ill first comment on the "MENU SCREEN" the option of having to use "CTRL" seems odd i think you should make it so you can allow the user to just click on buttons like the start buttons, most games tend to be that way and it makes for a more easier game that way.The game itself also seems to lagg abit especially when shoot lots and when the enemy is shooting aswell, and on slower machines it must be hell, so maybe less intense grapcis will help this. all and all this was a cute and good game kept me entertained needs a few things to be fixed but for the most part it was entertaining

make it less graphic intense maybe a little less detail on the art might help maybe even less shooting from the ship and enemies aswell

Fun game needs some cleaning up abit


Interesting game

Now this was an interesting game, up untill a point ofcourse, it kinda gets stale after abit, the idea of this game is pretty interesting and the fun factor is there for about 5 min then i start wanting abit more to this, the effects were notbad but im thinking it still needs more, maybe when the "GLOBES" hit eachother there should be a big "BLAST" effect instead of a small little one, and also this game might benifit abit better with some sorta mini game? say like the globe hits 3 other globes at once it will bring up a mini game screen where you have to do something extra to win more points, anyways just an idea or two for you to spice up the game abit

The game needs some nifty features to keep the users entertained as explained above a mini game of some sort might help that

Needs more excitment but i liked it


Fun and decent game

A fun shooter game we have here, great "SHOOTING" i thought, the game itself seemed to lag up abit as lots of elements came into the picture, this could possibly be fixed with less moving items all at once? also i noticed the rocks kinda looked jpeg? maybe make it more art style and maybe this will reduce on the amount of detail that is spread around, the "CONTROLLS" were pretty easy to handle and the ship moved with ease, all in all the game was pretty fun, cleaning it up will help abit, im also thinking giving the game 3 differant graphics qualities wouldnt hurt either though anyways good game i had fun with it, hope my review helped out abit

Add a graphics quality option, which basicly means adding two or three differant quality options for the game like one version adds a lower quality of graphics for slower computers and the other version might be better suited for faster computers

Fun game could be cleaned up abit



I liked the idea of this and majic and all, you should gave it some special effects to give it that maigic touch anyways nice job

Give it that majic touch, add more detail and pazazz

nice idea


Could be improved much

This was nice could be improved such as some "VOICES" it would make it that much better, the text could be spruced up abit aswell

work abit on the text speed and even look of the text, then maybe some more quality of voices and such

good game and all but has room for improving


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