
11,872 Game Reviews

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Stylish Tetris

Basic yes fun yes but could still use some added features I like stylish games and you did a nice stylish tetris themed game, I have to say this here was pretty good now while the classic version is still fun and entertaining, its a tetris style of a game here but because you made it fun and there might even be a few extra twists and turns, I like tetris styles games and found this particular version to be a unique one a stylish version with some unique elements


Fun one

These old game simulators are nice and you bring on some old classic elements of the windows thats what made this fun and the medals too there was some nice and entertaining areas that I really liked This is to me pretty spectacular but its getting even better, nice windows version game here


Tetris fun

Notbad I did think the christmas theme was interesting Another fun tetris themed game here love that you added in your own style not the whole thing but bits here and there, I had some fun entertaining value with this tetris version on this one, but regardless this was a pretty good game, so tetris style is fresh with this version and you bring on some nice visuals and of course gameplay, but anyways thats my take away from this one


Love it

I love this game and love the music it was so fitting while jumping over spikes lol nice strategic game as awalways keep up the awsome game design, You added your own twist of ideas and that really showcased here well and some nice flavour so for all that nice job keep up the good game works, because I found this game to be pretty entertaining and fun and that was the most of it really had some nice entertainment too, lol nice strategic game as awalways


Another fun one

Here was another fun one the skill style always is your talent and you bring in some really nice music that works so well This particular game is pretty creative and unique in its own way you really have made the game to come a live and you can really see the vibe in the stylish elements and the unique visuals that this game brings, This one with the gameplay can be pretty addictive



So this was nice I love the soft music that fits in this, the smooth controls the whole avoid style can be addictive too so thank you for keeping the style and Theme going strong and those are just some of the things i have enjoyed here on this one its those small yet fine details that caught my eye, love the soft music that fits in this


Dodge the doughnuts

A nice dodge game the music was the best part for me and love how it speeds up too a nice game You have a unique passion about this game style and that passion really transcends into a deeper visual and fun play here even the gameplay plays off the content well and for me thats a big plus love the passion in this



Your games are always the best and have such great music choices too and while this didnt have a lot of medals it was still fun Another nice find in this game from the portal you bring lots of nice details together in this fun game submission and its those fine visual points that really come out strong and also the reason i really liked this one even more ad on more medals



As a game maker this was notbad only the two options though I think it could have had a few more and some added elements to each of those modes and such some nice game style though and I found it to be pretty creative in all of it's playthrough so nice game here



This was an interesting game like cricket but not too familiar with that game but this game was not too hard to understand and get going was actually pretty fun and had some good playthrough some added extras wouldn't hurt on this game


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