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Nice dropdown

So this was a nifty dropdown game and was actually really fun love the simple graphics of the hearts and bunnies the music fit well too, I will start this off by saying it was a nice game type but wasent exactly lackluster either You have some professional ways about putting this all together and making for a good game here, it was a pretty decent effort and I was pretty impreseed with this so nice job here, kind of like that candy game lol


Fun Tetris

Graphics are not half bad seem silly at times but thats what makes this fun Well Well a tetris we have came up on and I have to say this here was pretty good now while the classic version is still fun and entertaining I like what you have created here in this mixture of your version and you still can keep it fun so tetris style is fresh with this version and you bring on some nice visuals and gameplay that also keep it fresh, So nice game here of tetris style


Fun game here Here was an interesting game What a fun game and that's what I take away from this particular game while the idea is different one you have gone and made this particular game your own with some added details but that's what makes it fun Fun game, and different from the normal newgrounds stuff, the gameplay was addictive and fun, nice design on the menu and the grid, fun game keep up the work


Cute game here A fun and entertaining game here making it look easy and making the visuals of the gameplay pop off so well and for that alone I am impressed so with this one you can't go wrong with some good gaming like you have created here so keep that style up Well not bad, the game did seem a bit laggy though, but it was fun grabbing the chickens or turkeys heh, nice artwork on everything as well, a fun game, keep it up


Wow nice

Wow another fun and strategic game the idea here was very different and was hard to understand at first with the numbers and squares but soon got it, A nifty little game here Some nice details that make this game complete and it's those fine details that come alive in this game submission like the gameplay was pretty good, and the added effects and little extras that make any game special so nice efforts on this game, Nice strategic game


Wow fun

I love the fact that you can just jump into this game and just kill the lil stick figs and peter the ant ofcourse lol, graphics are nice medals are decent the shooting is fun here, Cant go wrong killing lil stick figs lol A nice game entry here you have added some nice unique style about the game and it was a plus especially for me so for me this was a fun and thrilling game, and its own style and that's just a few things I enjoyed here but really liked the detail in this game, Cant go wrong killing lil stick figs lol


Unique Tetris

Notbad on this version the music was jamming the newgrounds related theme was good, maybe adding a larger view screen would be nice I like tetris styles games and found this particular version to be a unique one a stylish version with some unique elements, and for me I have seen a bit good amount of some tetris games and love that you added in your own style not the whole thing but bits here and there to try and make it your own style, and thats what I liked about this version of the classic game tetris



Well the game was simple and fun I think you could really advance on this game with even more different food plates and such, Ok good game type here I didnt see much that it was lacking but it was pretty amusing and pretty entertaining and I had some fun with it, make more plates and more medals



LOL this was cute, its different from alot of stuff and thats a plus on newgrounds, its a fun game but needs more, like maybe a few different events all together in one flash or something, and maybe add some sound/fx or backround music



Well the loading is intersting and seemed glichy but the game itself with the simple art style was kind of entertaining, its not perfect but its notbad either its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one keep up the good work, fix the preloader


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