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Good game i liked it

You have presented a good game here, its not just a straight shooter but you have to think on it, but you should add more to it though, anyways fun game, more effort in maybe some sorta mini game could be a start in the right direction, good luck regardless

Make more tests and more color used aswell

Fun shooter game


Graphics are impressive

Now i like this because it has that zombie style game, and its a good idea, allthought it does tend to get abit {REPETITIVE} but that was also understandble, which i liked, so notbad there, Also like that you had some decent {GRAPHICS} in the characters like the zombies, maybe abit more detail could be used on the {BACKROUNDS} though, it would have been nice and showed off more of your skills, just an idea though, and something i wouldnt mind seeing in some future works or something. The {ZOMBIES} seemed hard to kill at times, maybe figure out a way for killing them faster, Now i must say this was a fun game. kinda hard at times but still a fun game you can fix up and make things somewhat easier but other then that i was impressed with what you had here, anyways good game and keep up the good work.

So to start off i did mention some better enhanced backround details but not by much as it was, also maybe abit less repetitiveness would be nice, Also some new ways on killing the zombies would have been neat as it seemed hard sometimes, other then that its pretty neat and could see some changes to make it better so good luck in future zombie games and other flash animations, hope i was able to suggest a few ideas that could help you improve on this and future stuff.

So overall its a pretty good game, could be spruced up on a few things but not much.


Funny game

This is a good little but simple game, it kept me frustraited as i wasnted to kill those little things but i liked it, maybe by making it less hard at times like with differant levels would be nice, maybe not so hard atfirst but have it get harder later progressing

less hard at first then progress to be harder later

Fun yest simple game


Interesting and fun game

Now i didnt expect so much from this game, but you presented it very well, and you showed alot more then expected as i said, This had a somewhat of a story that seemed to workout well, and some good little action, i enjoyed what you had here for us, The "GRAPHICS" were fresh and cute and had a nice feel to it something that really flow along with eachother and such, some of the things i was abit confused with such as the dragon and the princess? not so sure what was needed there, but other then those two things it was pretty fun game and has a cute style to it, The animation was cute aswell like i said it was all a cute flash/game here and i was highly entertained, on how you can improve on this, i would suggest some more action stuff happening, and also make sure everything wroks before its presented before the public, but anyways a good game here i enjoyed it.

Could use more cute characters and more action happening

So overall a good and cute game that i think everyone will enjoy


This game is abit bland

You have a good game here, but does tend to get abit bland, you could really spice this up though, like i noticed just all black and white, try adding some color like colored backrounds, some nifty colored buttons along with some nifty effects from the buttons, but it really does need some color, maybe even a better layout seems like you kinda just threw this one together in a short time, i bet some "FRAMES/BORDERS" around the edges woyld also spice this up some, and aslo for the quizz itself, it could be much better the questions were ok but sometimes it seems like the questions are off and such, more thought out questions would be a better choice i think, anyways better luck next time

Color is needed for sure, also better looking buttons along with some effects and last but not least some better questions

A fun short quiz game, simple and entertaining


This was fun i see some improving needed

The graphics were not the best but the game itself had a somewhat fun style and you did have some ok animation here so notbad, so ofcourse the graphics art style need more detail little shades more sketchty feel to it might even work, add more of that fun style i was talking about to keep the game balanced and fun for the players

I said to work more on some detail points of the art and such, but still maintaining the skill fun of the game

A fun game can bet better still needs some art detail


This was neat

A fun game here kinda silly and lots of options you had for it, i thought the artwork could be slightly better maybe a few little details more here and there like with backrounds and such, but other then that i enjoyed it, just try and work more on some detailed artwork and it should be fine

well like above the art needs some detail especially backrounds

It was neat but needs more effort


Fun game

This was a neat game, kinda unique in the way you {POWER-UP} it was differant yet you made it original and fun to play, its not the best game i have played but for sure a good one that im sure people will come back to play time and time again, so nice job on bringing us something nice and differant to play, The {GRAPHICS} are really good i like the little detail you have added in these really making them something to enjoy and the game itself was not laggy at all so that was a pluss to see awsome graphics and little to no lagg so nice job therethe {EFFECTS} were even better there was lots of after effects and really just made it more realistic and fun to see, the game play of the game was pretty easy to handle and play so nice job all around on this one

a fun game here i can see you making it last longer but other then that its alright

A fun and amusing game great work here


Needs more Excitment

You have a decent game here but for the most part of it it starts to get abit on the "STALE" side so you may want to rework this game abit so that the viewers are not so confused and wanting something more entertaining, you actually have a decent layout and a color sheme going so ill give you credit for that portion

Why dont you add some mini games with the eggs level completion it will spice the game up just abit

Decent game needs more excitment


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