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Good quality nice effects

Ok so first off great job on this and all of your works, ill have to listen and checkout more of what you have presented for us, Some improving points could start off with more {VARIATY} of sounds and even backround effects, dont get me wrong its pretty good as is but wouldnt hurt by adding some more {EFFECTS} the {RAIN} effect was really nice so props to you on that aspect of things it really made things come together well.

So Some improving points could start off with more {VARIATY} of sounds and even backround effects, other then that this was pretty impressive stuff.

Decent tune here

Nice work on this one you actually have it start off pretty catchy and with a nice beat, I like the fact that there is a {MIXTURE} of differant sounds that make it more interesting thats a nice little touch, It seems to be missing a triumphet ending maybe something with a deeper base that would really keep it on that fresh sounding feel. now dont get me wrong this is pretty good i thought, i liked it alot, just needs a little more ump especially at the end.anyways good tune here.

So while this was notbad at all, it could use some extra deeper sounds, something base wise might work.

Distorted but needs work

ok so this one could use some {IMPROVMENTS} first of all this is way too {SHORT} so making it somewhat longer would not hurt, and there is too much {DISTORTED} to it, you may want to clean that up, also making it {LONGER} and with more differant sounds and instraments would be ok, other then that its ok

clean it up abit, give it a longer tune more like a song, also, slow it down as it may have caused the distortion.

I like the bells, decent track here

This was pretty nice its been awhile since i heard stuff on here but have to say this was pretty good, especilly with the {BELLS} you should push the bells more, I love the way this tune starts off with the one rythem and pushes forward to seom differant feel but still keeping the same style so nice job there, some improvements could be presented like more power sounds with the other sounds you had in there but were a tad light, so thats another issue that could be worked on.

Push the bells more they were really enique and thats what caught my attention, some more loder and quality sounds from any other instraments aswell, as stated as above.

EagleGuard responds:

Haha, thanks for digging up and reviewing this oldie! I didn't really know anything about mastering back then, so I just changed the volumes of each instrument a bit without actually equalizing every instrument as well.

Glad you liked it though, and I'll keep your advice in mind for future pieces =)

Voices were neat

The voices in this seemed to comeout really good, i think that was the best part of this, and made the whole song worth the while and i enjoyed it, The voices were neat and differant, but maybe you did it too much of it, maybe a little less of it so it doesnt sound the same all the time, but still anyways good sounding track and i gues it really was a christmas song or something of that nature, anyways nice job i had fun with this one, maybe less of the same style next time thouogh.

Try and change it up so its not sounding the same all the time, less voices all wrapped up together may help on this.

Unique sounds here

Now this was a good song here one of the best i have heard in awhile, seems like you really put some quality into it, kinda has a scary creepy feel to it but not so much just a hint of it, The song kinda jumps up from its slow tempo which was pretty neat, so props to you on making something that is not just slow but does actually changes, Very good and interesting track you have here, i like how it changes up, anyways nice job.

I wouldnt mind hearing some more variations in there just abit more then it will be complete.

Nice track

This was cool, a good mix here, I wouldnt mind hearing a much longer version since this was really impressive, but seemed more on the short side, so maybe with a few added mixes it could really be abit more quality, and something that more people would also enjoy, so maybe try out something abit longer and with some depth to it, but you have something really good here, you should make more like this, anyways good luck. it was a nice track hope to hear more soon someday.

well as explained it could be longer with more depth and qaulity to it

Could be longer

Hmmm this was notbad, it seems perfectly smooth and the way its set-up from the start to finish it was very smooth and perfect, this only being a few seconds long its still pretty good, allthough i think you could add some more time onto it with more of the smoothness i would say about 15 seconds long, it may give it abit more deoth and style to it, Anyways this was very good and i enjoyed hearing it, very nice job.

ad more time with it, i suggested making it about 15 seconds long so it has more depth

Decent loop

ok so this was notbad has a kicking sound, but seems it stays with the same tune, could use more variaty in there, now the tune you have is pretty decent, but throw in some other sounds maybe some horns, and drums with some harder sounds, it will give it some variaty, but really this was ok, even for a loop just needs abit more on stuff, anyways good luck on anything else you are working on.

As i just wrote above needs more then the same tune you got even changing up the tempo is a start.

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