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((( GOOB JOB )))

This does sound a lot like something from that crazy DDR game, are you a ddr freak too??? i liked the way it all came together and the diversity of the music, i like also how upbeat and extremely fast it is but in a cool way, it was a good song...


((( SWEET )))

Nice song, i like the fast paced beat and how energetic it all was, the diversity is awesome and the clear mp3 sound and beats were brilliant, i can see this being sold in cds or at dance clubs, good job...


((( NEAT )))

Nice job here, i like the solid beats and clear sounds, it builds up to something slowly and when it gets there it pulls you into a really good song, the building up part could have been a bit shorter and the volume needs to be turned up louder, it was still a good song though...



This was a nice little tribute to that anime show, im not much into anime but its nice and all, i like the smooth and mellow beat this has for such a sad title and setting, the instruments are well done and flawless, i loved the way it all sounds and how almost touching it is for a funeral, really enjoyed it...


D-A-J responds:

Well, i just L O V E Naruto myself, so this tune was just perfect, i though... and it seems like i was right ;)

((( MEH )))

This needs a little work but there is something good here, i like the way it sounds and goes well with its title name, it could use some more clearer mp3 work and since you say it is unfinished you should probably try to finish it up, but still an ok job here...



Great remix, i love the way you put in the video game sounds and the background music all into one, the way it sounds together and how you added the bass beats and techno beats was really neat, i really enjoyed this...


HouseMasta responds:

thanks a lot for the review! im glad you like!

((( PERFECT )))

What a good song, i loved the way it sounded like something from a sci-fi movie but then again something you could dance to, i also like how fast it was and the deversity of different beats and sounds you have in this, really good job here...


Helix6 responds:

Thank you.


This starts off really creepy and then builds into a nice listening beat, i liked the sounds and that one creepy one that sounds like wispering wind or something, but it needs to be way longer because it is a good song, so add some more...


Jindo responds:

Lol sure will.

This is my 2nd piece with Reason so I'm still figuring out how everything works ;).

Thanks for the review!

((( OKAY )))

This is okay, i liked the back beat and all the different sounds you have here, the sound is fast and good for dancing and nice to listen to, could have left out some of the more high piched tones, but it was still okay non-the-less...


Anima-Theory responds:

I didn't think there were any too high pitch frequencies, but meh, I maybe wrong



((( VERY NICE )))

I love this tune, love the bell chimes, atleast i think its bells, but very neat sounds, hope to hear more soon sometime...


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