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Nice stuff

This was entertaining and interesting the {DRUMS} were pretty good and i thought was my fave parts of it, you should give the drums more of a solo and more base to them and such, there should have been even more of the drums if you ask me, it really started stuff and then kind went meh, the {END} was kinda off too not sure was going on there but i suppose these things can be enhanced and such. other then that it was notbad.

So this does have room for improvment, i think the ending needs more of an ending, some {PAZAZ} in there would be nice, and also more on the {DRUMS} more solo stuff too.

Has a good beat about it

This was actually pretty neat, its something i would use in something that something is about to happen, now i say that because the temp rises up throughout the track which is what makes it come to a great action towards the end, and thats what i liked about it the most, so props to you on the effort there, But anyways this was a good listen, very pleasent and gets you pumped throughout the track so nice job there, i look forward to more.

I would love to see this improved maybe some more upbeat tempo but in a more faster tempo like right from the start.

Alot better then your other stuff

Now with this one, its abit faster which is nice but is much needed, since the slow portions like with your other tracks was just not sounding right at a slow tempo, but with this one a faster temp it was more to my likung, and also, the sound quality could be abit better like when you hit some of the strings it sounds abit off, like scratchyness from the mic or something.

Some min quality could be checked, also adding more instraments would be nice.

Good quality here

This has some really good quality to it, it does have somewhat of a sense that it is a professional, so that i give you props for, very good quality if you ask me, clear sharp and crisp from the start to the finish, i really enjoyed it, so nice job there, i do hope to hear more of your stuff especially if it sounds like this, so props to you on a good track and voice over here, Glad to have heard it and reviewed it.

This was already as good as can be, just make more wonderful tracks.

Nice vibe with this one

so this was neat it was uplifting and had some "VIBE" to it but seems abit short but its perfect for a short looped sound/fx thing and can be looped i suppose, now you have a good quality to it, but try and mix in some "DEEPER" sounds with the sharper bright ones you do present in this one, so as for improving as suggested more darker and deeper sounds is a start, other then that i found it to be very interesting, so nice job overall.

As mentioned needs more darker and deeper sounds maybe start with some base and drums

It can be faster somewhat

Hmm now this is interesting i like the guitar sounds you got going on this one, But you could improve on this as its just the same tune going and you should mix it up abit more with differant rythims and such, also its too "SLOW" it needs a more faster tempo, I mean its pretty good and all, but with a faster tone to this it could have much better results, i was pretty impressed with what you had though, so notbad at all.

Faster tempo is needed, aswell as adding some variaty of sounds in there.

Hmm needs more

Hmm well this needs more then what you have, it is a loop, but the quality even sounds abit down, you should really try and work on this, but not just that you should also work on adding more of a "MIXTURE" of stuff, not just the same beats as it seems too much of the same style, i mean its great for some sound/fx of sorts but again needs something more then what you got going, so try and improve on this, its not bad but does need abit more effort., anyways good luck.

more quality on this, and try adding a mixture of sounds in there.

Low quality mic needs fixing

Hmm ok this one clearly needs some work as it has alot of "LOW-QUALITY" sounding mic stuff its very "SCRATCHY" most likly its the mic either too close to the sound or a bad mic of sorts, so you could get a new mic for better quality and even play at a lower tone, but something should be done as this was just low quality, as for the song it sounds like a good song, i hear some guitar and piano and fast tone but again needs more quality, anyways hope your next one is much better, or even you update this one somehow.

Mic and low quality could change, the song sounded good but too much scratchyness, get a new mic or dont play so close to the mic.

Haha i love it

Haha wow i was just randomly looking for stuff and came across this one somehow, and wow, didnt even know there was such a song like this, wow you really did a job on this one, not only that but the "BACKROUND" music is really awsome great quality to it aswell, very welldone there, and this is all very funny and amusing aswell, so really awsome job on this, had fun with this one, great job, i do however wish it had more vocals throughout, anyways good syuff.

Try and amke a new remix with more vocals of the song.

Interesting and differant

Well this was interesting and differant i will give you that, you dont hear tomany "HARMONICAS" on here so it was nice to hear and such, i think it should have had more variaty to it though, like some faster pick up speeds as you go along or something, but really for the mostpart i did enjoy it, maybe have it start off slow and then pick up as it goes along and with it ending with a bang at the end, so what i am saying is it could use some dazzle in it, anyways nice job, it was differant.

Needs abit of a pick up, more faster tones, and more of an ending impact ending.

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