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You have a nice beat with this one, it tends to go abit on the long side but thats because of the changes it has , still a good piece i think and its a great listen too, would love to hear more like this one, everything seems to work with eachother and accents the next part very well, so nice job once agian on that effort and making something very good, i like how there is some good pace and rythem to this very good as always, i look forward to more from you soon.

So with the above said, i think its fine as is, but maybe just an off sight, make it somewhat shorter

Has a unique sound

You gave this one some interesting effects like the water i think it is, you gave it a sharming and unique feel to it with some of the differant sounds you had in there, I would even gi as far as to suggest some extra bits of sounds in there and such, it was very interesting and unique, so nice job there, The starting of this went off very well, aswell, and all in the end i had a pleasent experience on this, so nice job.

I would throw in a more mixture of differant sounds in there just to go over the top on the uniqueness you are going for.

Fantastic track

I like this, you kinda have something there it sounds familular, but anyways i like how you put abit of your own into this and really making it differant, it really does sound neat, You seem to know the guitar very well in this one it seems, i like that part of the guitar really played out well, This track is something i might see in an action flash animation or something, but anyways good track here keep making more great stuff for us.

This had everything going right for it, so if i was to suggest anything for improvment i supose it would be more of the guitar, more of its own solo type of thing.

Decent tune here

Now this was notbad, not perfect but still had some decent {CREATIVITY} to it and still has some room for {IMPROVEMENT} i thought you could have mixed things up woth some odd and unque sounds that coould possibly be more in the backround but still be part of the mix somehow, just a thought though and you never know it could verywell have a better outcome by the listeners, but with all that said this was pretty decent if you ask me,

As mentioned it could have a better outcome with more sound effects especially with the {SOFT} and louder changes that takes place.

Better but needs more tempo

Now even though this is an older one, it could still have some small improvments, now compared to the other guitar one that was abit slow, this one seems abit better but its also too "SHORT" so like the other one this also needs some "VARIATY" more other stuff i think with drums it would excell greatly, and i also feel that this could excell if it was faster aswell as the other one, anyways nice job.

speed it up, ad some drums in there, and also ad some variaty in there.

Nice castlevania mix

A good piece if you ask me it does have that {CASTLE VANIA} feel wich is pretty good in itself great quality, and good flow from one part to the next, if anything i wou;d love to see somewaht more {LONGER} version, but what you do have here is a pretty good piece and would love to see much more on it, I liked this track for a number of a reason, but mostly because you brang a good {MIX} together so great job.

For a better outcome maybe a lomger mix of sorts and even more variaty but that again could just be personal oppinion.

Love the sound of this

Now here was a great track with a very good voice if i ever heard one, the song itself was pretty awsome as is, but you gave it that extra touch the whole song is pretty good though, i had fun listening to it and glad i did you put tons of effort in this the vocals were pretty awsome if you ask me, and i think this is one of your best so keep up the awsome stuff, i will checkout more of your stuff soon.

I think more vocals could be used as that was the focus, just an idea there though.

Could be longer

Now here was something very good, very good sounding great quality, i thought it was kinda on the short side so maybe theres a few more extra stuff you could ad throught this making it even better then it already is, Now with that said it did have a dark feel to it and all, and i did enjoy what was here, great quality throughout but once again wish it was longer, i really liked, make it longer next time if you can.

As suggested this could be longer, and abit more depth to it.

Another great game mix

Another great {MARIO-BROS} mix atleast i think thats what it is, but those games including this track are {FAN-TASTIC} so on that aspect of things, keep up the great work, i love these types of themes, but anyways back on to the track at hand, you created a good mix to the game theme, and great added sounds that really made it run great and i loved this to the end so very good work there, cant wait to hear more from you soon.

Better oucomes on this could come from longer mixes, maybe some extra added sounds even, but for the most of it, it was pretty {SOLID} Stuff.

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