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Needs work

ok so this one needs lots of work and more "EFFORT" on your part, the "QUALITY" was way low and you could barly hear anything, had to turn up volume all the way up to hear even just a bit of it, so that could be a number of issues but most likley its the "MIC" maybe too far from the recording or a bad mic, alot of users use a program were it records it much more clearly, and shows more from the outcome, just something to look into.

most likley its the "MIC" maybe too far from that more.the recording or a bad mic, alot of users use a program were it records it much more clearly, so you may want to look into that

Classic theme

So its been awhile since i heard one of these im sure im not the first, but its always entertaining,The whole {NUMA-NUMA} was always a funny and amusing theme going on here and the net, but it was entertaining to see what you came up with, and like i mentioned its amusing and has some nostalgic to it, anyways nice job and i look forward to checking out more of your work. untill next time keep up the good work.

Some small improvment points might be to add more of your own mix in there, while still keeping the numa numa theme, maybe some backround effects or even more of it.

Classic game sounding

A great piece of {QUALITY} sounds came out very {SMOOTHLY} i thought it could have had a more longer feel but what you did have was pretty good i thought, it is very {GAME} sounding cant think of the game but theres some simu;arities to an old game maybe something from mario bros or something, but anyways besides all that it ran smooth, and was pleasent with abit of cuteness, i liked it, so with all that said i really enjoyed your work today.

For some better outcomes my suggestion probably would be make it {LONGER} some new and differant mixes wouldnt hurt either.

I liked it

I like the differant sounds in here and seems like you really brought it out all together to make sometging nice here, very nice with the combonation of differant sounds to make one pice that was the best part i thought, somewhat long but it was ok. i also love the choices you made with all the diferant sounds and instraments, great picks great putting together aswell, other then that i thought it was pretty good, anyways nice job on this one

You can possibly improve on this with maybe even more sounds in there but in the end maybe shorten it somewhat.

Fast paced

Ok so this was very fast, not that was bad or anything, now i see its more of a loop then anything else, now for it being a loop, i think you could ad more like slow down the beat just a tad, and let it just flow, for more of a beat that the user can just liten too this seemed too fast, but it was a nice loop, i can see this being used in a number of stuff though, anyways keep up the good work.

Slow it down just a tad so its more enjoyble.

Interesting style

Now here was something pretty neat if you ask me, you took something and made it your own, you didnt ad super special stuff you just had something and went with it, and thats the impression that this gives me, the whole drum solo thing was interesting dont hear that much on here but i was glad to hear something like that here on the audio portal, if i was to suggest any improving i would want other mixtures with the drums aswell, anyways great stuff here.

As explained some other variations of differant instraments would be a nice improvment.

Nice sound/fx

Hmm now this one was interesting, i like it for the "SOUND/FX" it kinda reminds me of the Twilight zone and i could tottally see this in some episode that was like that or something, hell i wouldnt mind using it myself so nice job on a sound loop here, its more of a loop then a song track, but anyways nice job, its pretty good, and good quality sounding, anyways nice job.

I would like to hear this a tad longer, but its pretty good as is.

Too short

Well the audio track on this seems too low in "SOUND" and i guess its more of a loop then anything else as its too short, so these are two things you could do to spice it up, make the volume louder, and add more content like differant sounding instraments, you do have the right track with the fast paced style, just needs more to it for it to have any real results, anyways good luck.

Make the volume abit louder, and add more to the sound like differant instraments.

Decent but could be improved

I like this one it has some {VARIATY} and good mixture of sounds and stuff, but seems to sound too simular as other stuff, but like i said it does have some good variaty and such, now some improvment points would be to add even more sounds more stuff in the backround like {EFFECTS} and such. now with all that mentioned it was actually a pretty decent piece, so keep up the decent sounds and look forward to more of what you have to offer.

There was some repetitiveness that could have been balanced out with new and deifferant sounds, Some improvment points would be to add even more sounds more stuff in the backround like effects and such.

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